Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I tookThe time to Smell the Roses
Philosophy was used
maybe abused
Flew around the world
Partied like there was no tomorrow
Used common sense
with drugs and drinking
Loved anonymously
smelled the flowers
climbed the mountains
tasted international cusine
learned languages
befriended living treasures
absorbed culture
my eyes feasted upon the art and treasures
Iturned the beauty into energy
which fed my mind and soul
I saw suffering and joy
which i must employ to make me grow
sensitize me
educate me
change me

I smelled the Roses
the world then changed
There are still flowers to inhale
that call out to me
But times have changed
Escaping obligations and expenses
Lack of energy
Curtails dreams of future explorations

There are other flowersto stop and smell
of a different form
Flowers of chairty
Perfume of good deeds

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