My friend BOB finally got out of Valley Hospital...something I wasnt sure would happen...a few weeks ago. I was afraid, I was to late in getting him to the was one of those TV movies..when the police get to save the victim only seconds before....they would be killed.
The DRs said, he would have died with in an hour or two, had I not gone there and called 9/11...and oxygen given to him immediatley....TOday BOB said that he didnt even know he was sick...he was so out of it....
Bob is in a so called rehab.....The building looks like a fancy hotel, but the people I saw sitting in there....were seemingly waisting away...thin,sick looking, and waiting to die. Most were silent or mumbling incoherent nonsense....their Alzheimers stealing away their memory and life. These were the RESIDENTS...Bob is only there for a few days to maybe a week...untill he gets the use of his musles that he canreturn to his home and walk...and return to his regular regimen. Today he was brought in, and "dumped"into the bed....and never was fed until after 6:30..they forgot to take care of him...They had very little help.....there was this Nurse thing...walking about feeding people.....a Little MINIATURE Male Asian Nurse..who seemed not very competent...but laughed a lot....and one lady at the front desks...who....seemed a good candidate for checking in as a patient..... And there was one other nurse on another floor....the place didnt seem like it had very much help.......Looking at the residents....the place reminded me as an INterior Decorated Aushwitz. Bob was in good spirits, stronger, breathing without oxygen, and wanting to go home.
This morning, a set designer from a TV program woke me up very early....he needed some stuff.....After feeding BOBS doggies, I met with the TV crew and they purchased one china cabinet.......and there were 6 people involved with the transaction....
I am wondering.....about the MEDIA.. are they scaring the world with the swine flue, or is this a real serious emergency...that people should be made aware of? Well, unlike the ANthax scare, which was government "inspired" or creatged..this scare is real..But how dangerous is the scare.??? How deadly is the virus...some people seem to get over it quickly, but in manya are dying......The scared people are now screwing up the stock market this part of the scare/???IS the media....trying to do this???? HMMM what do you think... I am paranoid and dont trust anyone....which includes the MEDIA, the GOVERNMENT, The BANKS< THE INVESTMENT COMPANIES< the INSURANCY COMPANIES...the Companies that Genetically alter SEEDS, or those who make EQUAL...(aspartamine--RUMSFELD was preident of that company...and even though the FDA said it was dangerous..he had it pushed thru...regardless if it causes MEMORY LOSS< Multible Sclerosis, and other brain andnuerological diseases......I dont trust Pharmaceutical companies... Large corporations that produce prepared foods....beucase they contain chemicals,poisons,carcinigens,and artifical colors,flavors, and contain no nutrician
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
SUNDAY APRIL 26? does anything make sense?MatzaBry
Tonight after closig the store, I went over to the Hospital to see BOB.....hopefully, he is going to a rehab tomorrow...The oxygen might not be needed anymore and he will be on his way to recovery.... I entered the giant revolving door, with genuine plastic trees and flowers tackily encased in part of the door...I walked towards the elvator only to find, those yellow plastic warning signs....that said in both English and Spanish.....caution floor wet...and slippery. That would be normally a very wondrful and meaningful and considerate bunch of signs, except the floor was covered with deep pile carpeting... It was neither wet nor slippery. But it did make me laugh, and wonder about the staff at this hospital.
I also wondered why there is no Valet parking on the weekends, when more people are likely to come and visit freinds and relatives....and parking spaces are more in demand...and why they close their snak bar and restaurants at 5 on the weekends....visitors and DRs still get hungry and thursty on the weekends... and they are also closed on holidays....well, in my book...hospitals do not fit the normal format of other businesses,stores and offices..they are 24 hour mini cities that need to function around the clock.....I just dont get it... And this is supposed to be one of the best hospitals around.
The Swine flu is here...The next thing the media will use to scre the lviing crap out of the world....A few years ago it was anthrax...and I think that scre was have Americans to let Bush and company have a war as revenge for 9/11......and to let us hunt for terrorists right here in the us.....we were scared with terror alerts in various colors....and intensities...none of which ever came to pass...although ENGland did have their problems... I still think 9/11 was a plot devised by the multinationaland military industrial invade the mideast, steal their oil and made the Big corporations gazillionaires. Although GM and other car makers are falling apart....Halleburton..Cheneys company...and EXXON-Mobil are proudly boasting record breaking profits. And Geroge Bush..bought a farm (a small country) in Paraguay.....twenty miles n each direction....that is 400 sq miles.....I wonder where he got that much money...and exactly how much was it?
George has always said there is no glopbal warming....It was over 91 degrees today..and its only April.....something to think about isnt it GEORGE
Yesterday the VP of CBS was in the store browsing...and so was a famous Sports Writer from the DAILY NEWS......and as I keep name dropping..Bradley Boles...from THE REAL HOUSE WIVES of NYC was in again......and he invite me to the Gala Party...for the end of the season of his program.... Hmmmm.. Shall I go in Jeans,sneakers and a Tuxedo jacket, a very normal suit??? Or something rediculous...and wild....something to thing about. But , the answer is ,unless it is a costume party....I will just be myself...of course, I have t o think about that too...what is really "just myse;f" I guess it depends on my mood...myself used to be cowboy boots, jeans, a plaid shirt, and sometimes even a cowboy hat...or one of the Austrailian cow boy hats,Like Crocodile Dundee..hmmmm Crocodile Mauree.....but today, being my self, is usually a plain shirt with long sleeves, plaid, striped or just one color, a pair of chinos, and some kind of loafers..... very low key....very down to earth....and if I have to wear rediculous clothing to be noticed....I will not be noticed. But if there are any people with brains, and an appreciation for others with the same, and they talk to you not becuase you are dressed like a clown, but becuase you stimulate them intellectually........then I should be noticed....
Glen has been sick for a week now. Those of yo who know him, know he is very inteelgent and up on world affairs..He is constatnly on the computer in chat rooms discussing world events.....and trying to teach others his way of thinking. His was is socialistic, and he supports the underdog. We jopkingly say that he is saving the world.. I do respect his efforts to eliminate ignorance in so many ways....although he is very naive. Well he told me he didnt read the news for a week, or read AOL news or see a newspaper....He has no idea what has transpired here and around the globe. I said, sarcastically, "well the world is still revoling on its access without your reading the news...its still here.....but now, you can go back to saving it. Glen, like so many liberals belive in equality in every way shape and form,.Allpeople should be created equal and treated as such..and no people should be without medical help, food and should have a roof over their head. As long as they are willing to contribute... If people are too sick to work, the rest should take care of them...but not a free ride for the lazy. He also writes how the media manipulates the news and our minds...and how we are brain washed without even folks.....I agree with him on those issues.
How many of you know what a MATZA BRY is???? Well if you do not know, you are missing something simple, but delish. It is a concoction of Matzas(those Jewish sq giant crackers that taste like delishous shirt cardboards) soaked in water,seltzer or milk(or Juice for desert versions) then when soft, mixed n with eggs and scrambled eggs.
I decided tonight, to write the first MATZA BRY cookbook..or at least BOOKLET. so the first recipe is the most basic.... Break up one or two matzos of your choice. Plain, egg, or flavored.....soak in milk till soft.... add 4 to 6 beaten eggs,,,a little milk and salt and pepper and fry in butter..till the eggs are no longer mushy..dont forget to drain the matzas...simple enough.... you can serve it with catsup, jelly, or any flavoring agent.
recipe five or six: add Chicken, thin slices of steak,........If you soak the Matza in Orange or pineapple ..even apple juice, you can add the fresh fruit to it before frying..and sprinkle with powered sugar...and serve with jam.... So serve a Hawaiian Matza Bry....soak Matza in pineapple juice....and fry as above, but add fresh or canned chuncks of pineapple in it...and serve with pineapple preserves....Wild and OMG delicious... Add COCONUT and you will have a PINACOLODA Matza BRY.....OY!
I also wondered why there is no Valet parking on the weekends, when more people are likely to come and visit freinds and relatives....and parking spaces are more in demand...and why they close their snak bar and restaurants at 5 on the weekends....visitors and DRs still get hungry and thursty on the weekends... and they are also closed on holidays....well, in my book...hospitals do not fit the normal format of other businesses,stores and offices..they are 24 hour mini cities that need to function around the clock.....I just dont get it... And this is supposed to be one of the best hospitals around.
The Swine flu is here...The next thing the media will use to scre the lviing crap out of the world....A few years ago it was anthrax...and I think that scre was have Americans to let Bush and company have a war as revenge for 9/11......and to let us hunt for terrorists right here in the us.....we were scared with terror alerts in various colors....and intensities...none of which ever came to pass...although ENGland did have their problems... I still think 9/11 was a plot devised by the multinationaland military industrial invade the mideast, steal their oil and made the Big corporations gazillionaires. Although GM and other car makers are falling apart....Halleburton..Cheneys company...and EXXON-Mobil are proudly boasting record breaking profits. And Geroge Bush..bought a farm (a small country) in Paraguay.....twenty miles n each direction....that is 400 sq miles.....I wonder where he got that much money...and exactly how much was it?
George has always said there is no glopbal warming....It was over 91 degrees today..and its only April.....something to think about isnt it GEORGE
Yesterday the VP of CBS was in the store browsing...and so was a famous Sports Writer from the DAILY NEWS......and as I keep name dropping..Bradley Boles...from THE REAL HOUSE WIVES of NYC was in again......and he invite me to the Gala Party...for the end of the season of his program.... Hmmmm.. Shall I go in Jeans,sneakers and a Tuxedo jacket, a very normal suit??? Or something rediculous...and wild....something to thing about. But , the answer is ,unless it is a costume party....I will just be myself...of course, I have t o think about that too...what is really "just myse;f" I guess it depends on my mood...myself used to be cowboy boots, jeans, a plaid shirt, and sometimes even a cowboy hat...or one of the Austrailian cow boy hats,Like Crocodile Dundee..hmmmm Crocodile Mauree.....but today, being my self, is usually a plain shirt with long sleeves, plaid, striped or just one color, a pair of chinos, and some kind of loafers..... very low key....very down to earth....and if I have to wear rediculous clothing to be noticed....I will not be noticed. But if there are any people with brains, and an appreciation for others with the same, and they talk to you not becuase you are dressed like a clown, but becuase you stimulate them intellectually........then I should be noticed....
Glen has been sick for a week now. Those of yo who know him, know he is very inteelgent and up on world affairs..He is constatnly on the computer in chat rooms discussing world events.....and trying to teach others his way of thinking. His was is socialistic, and he supports the underdog. We jopkingly say that he is saving the world.. I do respect his efforts to eliminate ignorance in so many ways....although he is very naive. Well he told me he didnt read the news for a week, or read AOL news or see a newspaper....He has no idea what has transpired here and around the globe. I said, sarcastically, "well the world is still revoling on its access without your reading the news...its still here.....but now, you can go back to saving it. Glen, like so many liberals belive in equality in every way shape and form,.Allpeople should be created equal and treated as such..and no people should be without medical help, food and should have a roof over their head. As long as they are willing to contribute... If people are too sick to work, the rest should take care of them...but not a free ride for the lazy. He also writes how the media manipulates the news and our minds...and how we are brain washed without even folks.....I agree with him on those issues.
How many of you know what a MATZA BRY is???? Well if you do not know, you are missing something simple, but delish. It is a concoction of Matzas(those Jewish sq giant crackers that taste like delishous shirt cardboards) soaked in water,seltzer or milk(or Juice for desert versions) then when soft, mixed n with eggs and scrambled eggs.
I decided tonight, to write the first MATZA BRY cookbook..or at least BOOKLET. so the first recipe is the most basic.... Break up one or two matzos of your choice. Plain, egg, or flavored.....soak in milk till soft.... add 4 to 6 beaten eggs,,,a little milk and salt and pepper and fry in butter..till the eggs are no longer mushy..dont forget to drain the matzas...simple enough.... you can serve it with catsup, jelly, or any flavoring agent.
recipe five or six: add Chicken, thin slices of steak,........If you soak the Matza in Orange or pineapple ..even apple juice, you can add the fresh fruit to it before frying..and sprinkle with powered sugar...and serve with jam.... So serve a Hawaiian Matza Bry....soak Matza in pineapple juice....and fry as above, but add fresh or canned chuncks of pineapple in it...and serve with pineapple preserves....Wild and OMG delicious... Add COCONUT and you will have a PINACOLODA Matza BRY.....OY!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Women go to Jail for sex with Teen Boys
When I was a teen.....I had a very cute 7th Grade teacher... I even visited her a few times on a FRIDAY night... She was in her pajams by 8, and was drinking beer.. We watched TV...together...and once...I had a taste of her beer...and what was going thru my dirty little mind......hmmmmmm
Let us say, my fantasy would have come true and went into the bedroom with my Father probably would have given me a cigar as a reaward....and smiled. Today, the teacher is locked up as a criminal......and people are worried that the affair would taint the mind of the boy....
I agree that it is unprofessional for a teacher to mess with a 10 or a 12 year old child, who probably was walking on air....and just run to Mexico with one of them, but I wonder why they ran away......I bet, there is more to the story than this, that the press isnt telling. LIKE abusive parents who beat the kid half to death? I think both of them need "reorientation", psychological help...but 25 years in rediculous.....and there lie the real crime....laws laid down
Let us say, my fantasy would have come true and went into the bedroom with my Father probably would have given me a cigar as a reaward....and smiled. Today, the teacher is locked up as a criminal......and people are worried that the affair would taint the mind of the boy....
I agree that it is unprofessional for a teacher to mess with a 10 or a 12 year old child, who probably was walking on air....and just run to Mexico with one of them, but I wonder why they ran away......I bet, there is more to the story than this, that the press isnt telling. LIKE abusive parents who beat the kid half to death? I think both of them need "reorientation", psychological help...but 25 years in rediculous.....and there lie the real crime....laws laid down
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hospital scare,Pizza Secrets,Business nonsense, Closure
The entire day was filled with a lot of nonsense...too many phone calls that lead to nothing....A house call where I told them we would come onl if we canbuy something..and when we got there they lied saying...we cant sell anything til the will is probated...(which might be true) and another house call just as fruitfull,as they arent moving for months..(so why bother the shit out of us now) If you detect a bit of hostility in my tone, you are damn right!!!!
Another dealer(of sorts) rummaged thru some of my stuff and always offers half of what I want, andnever buys anything lately....This is the one that schleps himself into the store...on a walker. He is this super macho guy, that is scared shitless to have a hip replacement, yet suffers horribly in pain..... I more or less thru him out a month ago... but as they say hessssssssssssss back!
I went to see BOB tonight...and outside of his door was MY DR...who is such a mench...a cool, very nice man....we schmoozed for 5 min.....then I walked into BOBS room and got a terrible shock! There was a sick lady in his bed......For a moment I thought i was in the wrong room, peeked my head outside...NO, this was 4134..
OH NO....he must have died, and no one called me. I was in a panic....I went to thenurses station....(non of which were born in this country-this is not a racist statement.;...just an observation) I asked where Robert Generker was.....and held my breathe, afraid he might have passed away....
"OH, we moved him last 3124: WHEW!!! I was relived.......and went down the hall.. He was now in a semi private room....(musch cheaper) He introduce dme to a freind of his.....the conversation went on to her highschool reunion, from SAINT MARY"S in Passaic.....which led me to ask her her age year older she must have gone to school with MARYANN Kasica...with whom I went to FAIRLEIGH DICKENSON.. SHe was amazed that I new her they were friends....then PAt sat, so sad she died of a brain tumor......... I chocked up, for I was looking for her all over the world...on the internet for years....She was an actress and writer in California and married to MIKE SHEPS who wrote the first disaster movie...AIRPORT.
So, now my messages to her must wait......and I hope for quie a long time.
YOu know, since Obmam took over.....I have less crap to write about..I used to love to write and trash George BUSH. ALl I can say right now..with ot a boring news analysis, that we must give OBAMAM an dhis cohorts enought time and support to make his ideas work. I truly like the man. and hope he deserves my faith in him.
Pizza secrets" make delicious pizza out from cheap crappy frozne ones. I bought a pile of CELESTE brand pizzas for $1.00 each on sale.. 10-for 10-$...This is how you canturn them qujickly into a delicious meal or appetizers:
sprinkle them with extra virgin olive oil, fresh or powered garlic...and then in recipe one put spagehti sauce of your choice on top...flatten with a spoon and heat according to directions.
2) sprinkle the olive oil, garlic, cottage or riggota cheese, and chopped fronzen spinach,,(you can use spaghetti sauce or not)
3)Always ad the oilive oil and garlic..then sauteed mushrooms and onions or green or red pepper of your choice....tomatoe sauce....
4( add olive oil,garlic, cheese, sauce and peperoni, or sausage, or strips of bacon,
5) Be created...add olive oil,garlic and then just about anything you like..and then top all of them with grated parmigiana cheese.. Microvae for 4 minutes and serve..
IDEA?????This is added, written in the middle of the up to pee, and sat down here....Unless they alread have it??? why dont they make a computer for blind people... They can type and somehow...the words pop up on a screen that can be felt....a film that gets pushed out from behind...three dimentially. Now these letters are one dimentional...but the invention would make them 3d...and could be felt.....maybethey already have it..who knows? But you cant blame me for thinking....
Another dealer(of sorts) rummaged thru some of my stuff and always offers half of what I want, andnever buys anything lately....This is the one that schleps himself into the store...on a walker. He is this super macho guy, that is scared shitless to have a hip replacement, yet suffers horribly in pain..... I more or less thru him out a month ago... but as they say hessssssssssssss back!
I went to see BOB tonight...and outside of his door was MY DR...who is such a mench...a cool, very nice man....we schmoozed for 5 min.....then I walked into BOBS room and got a terrible shock! There was a sick lady in his bed......For a moment I thought i was in the wrong room, peeked my head outside...NO, this was 4134..
OH NO....he must have died, and no one called me. I was in a panic....I went to thenurses station....(non of which were born in this country-this is not a racist statement.;...just an observation) I asked where Robert Generker was.....and held my breathe, afraid he might have passed away....
"OH, we moved him last 3124: WHEW!!! I was relived.......and went down the hall.. He was now in a semi private room....(musch cheaper) He introduce dme to a freind of his.....the conversation went on to her highschool reunion, from SAINT MARY"S in Passaic.....which led me to ask her her age year older she must have gone to school with MARYANN Kasica...with whom I went to FAIRLEIGH DICKENSON.. SHe was amazed that I new her they were friends....then PAt sat, so sad she died of a brain tumor......... I chocked up, for I was looking for her all over the world...on the internet for years....She was an actress and writer in California and married to MIKE SHEPS who wrote the first disaster movie...AIRPORT.
So, now my messages to her must wait......and I hope for quie a long time.
YOu know, since Obmam took over.....I have less crap to write about..I used to love to write and trash George BUSH. ALl I can say right now..with ot a boring news analysis, that we must give OBAMAM an dhis cohorts enought time and support to make his ideas work. I truly like the man. and hope he deserves my faith in him.
Pizza secrets" make delicious pizza out from cheap crappy frozne ones. I bought a pile of CELESTE brand pizzas for $1.00 each on sale.. 10-for 10-$...This is how you canturn them qujickly into a delicious meal or appetizers:
sprinkle them with extra virgin olive oil, fresh or powered garlic...and then in recipe one put spagehti sauce of your choice on top...flatten with a spoon and heat according to directions.
2) sprinkle the olive oil, garlic, cottage or riggota cheese, and chopped fronzen spinach,,(you can use spaghetti sauce or not)
3)Always ad the oilive oil and garlic..then sauteed mushrooms and onions or green or red pepper of your choice....tomatoe sauce....
4( add olive oil,garlic, cheese, sauce and peperoni, or sausage, or strips of bacon,
5) Be created...add olive oil,garlic and then just about anything you like..and then top all of them with grated parmigiana cheese.. Microvae for 4 minutes and serve..
IDEA?????This is added, written in the middle of the up to pee, and sat down here....Unless they alread have it??? why dont they make a computer for blind people... They can type and somehow...the words pop up on a screen that can be felt....a film that gets pushed out from behind...three dimentially. Now these letters are one dimentional...but the invention would make them 3d...and could be felt.....maybethey already have it..who knows? But you cant blame me for thinking....
Bob returns,Glen is sick, Business is still dead,
Bob has returned to us from his fantasyland, dream like state...of captivity in a 747 filled with Steif stuffed toys...held in slavery and forced to clean the airplane by pirates, druglords and terrorists. We didnt know if his mind was really gone, or it was the pain killers that were talking.
Bobs friend Lee called and told me he was 100% lucid. We were running around the store all day, wondering where all the business went, when around 3, the phone rang. I said that is BOB. Why I said that, I have no idea...he doenst even have a phone in his room, and was hooked up to all kinds of wires, tubes, and gadgets. Who ever answered the phone said, "Its BOB" and it was. He made 100% sense.....He thanked me for saving his life.... the DRs told him that I had insisted that He go to the hospital and called 911. He said "I owe you...a lot...for my life" I said "you do not owe me anything....that is what friends are for ....I am sure you would have done the same for me." The dialogue was emotional, and tears rolled down my eyes onto my cheeks. They were ,I guess, tears of joy... like ones you get when at a wedding, or when Obama won the election,,or when BUSH gave his final farwell:tears of JOY..
The AOL news is really disgusting.....The capitalized on a teacher sending home a bag of "poo" with a kid who couldnt control himself....THIS IS HOW DESPERATE AND LOW THEY HAVE BECOME TO REPORT THE NEWS. iS THAT nEWS? Do I care? Do you care... Other great NEWS stories is about a father tatooing his child with a gang Tatoo... Another story about a 12 year old killing a baby... What about all the good things that happen, or how People die daily from hunger, and lack of medicine or become homelwss becuase our last administration robbed the entire country..and permitted abuse of the system.
Glen is home, and seems quite sick. He is gong today to the DR......I hope there isnt another BOB story brewing. Its now been three days he is sick.....another stubborn person who is waiting to go to the DR....and has dogs at home.... So far, it seems like a virus... Hope nothing more.
Susan Boyle, the Scottish singing getting some flack. They are saying in the media that SIMON new about her....prior to the TV show...he was well aware how fabulous she was... and it was a set up.....for her to wow the world...and get International overnight that when he produces her will be a multi million dollar hit overnight. They media is pissing on her parade already...but personally, she what they make her out to be....a ugly duckling, who never got laid, with a powerful voice...who does deserve world wide attention. I dont care if SIMON is pretending he didnt know how good she was. SO WHAT. I do not mind being fooled, when it is inocuous. She made us laugh, then cry with joy (here I go again with crying for joy)...Let the critics worry about how the Pharmaceutical companis are ripping us off and charging 20 dollars for a pill that cost two cents.....that is something to write about....
Bobs friend Lee called and told me he was 100% lucid. We were running around the store all day, wondering where all the business went, when around 3, the phone rang. I said that is BOB. Why I said that, I have no idea...he doenst even have a phone in his room, and was hooked up to all kinds of wires, tubes, and gadgets. Who ever answered the phone said, "Its BOB" and it was. He made 100% sense.....He thanked me for saving his life.... the DRs told him that I had insisted that He go to the hospital and called 911. He said "I owe you...a lot...for my life" I said "you do not owe me anything....that is what friends are for ....I am sure you would have done the same for me." The dialogue was emotional, and tears rolled down my eyes onto my cheeks. They were ,I guess, tears of joy... like ones you get when at a wedding, or when Obama won the election,,or when BUSH gave his final farwell:tears of JOY..
The AOL news is really disgusting.....The capitalized on a teacher sending home a bag of "poo" with a kid who couldnt control himself....THIS IS HOW DESPERATE AND LOW THEY HAVE BECOME TO REPORT THE NEWS. iS THAT nEWS? Do I care? Do you care... Other great NEWS stories is about a father tatooing his child with a gang Tatoo... Another story about a 12 year old killing a baby... What about all the good things that happen, or how People die daily from hunger, and lack of medicine or become homelwss becuase our last administration robbed the entire country..and permitted abuse of the system.
Glen is home, and seems quite sick. He is gong today to the DR......I hope there isnt another BOB story brewing. Its now been three days he is sick.....another stubborn person who is waiting to go to the DR....and has dogs at home.... So far, it seems like a virus... Hope nothing more.
Susan Boyle, the Scottish singing getting some flack. They are saying in the media that SIMON new about her....prior to the TV show...he was well aware how fabulous she was... and it was a set up.....for her to wow the world...and get International overnight that when he produces her will be a multi million dollar hit overnight. They media is pissing on her parade already...but personally, she what they make her out to be....a ugly duckling, who never got laid, with a powerful voice...who does deserve world wide attention. I dont care if SIMON is pretending he didnt know how good she was. SO WHAT. I do not mind being fooled, when it is inocuous. She made us laugh, then cry with joy (here I go again with crying for joy)...Let the critics worry about how the Pharmaceutical companis are ripping us off and charging 20 dollars for a pill that cost two cents.....that is something to write about....
Monday, April 20, 2009
Memory loss,Bob is out of ICU, Dismal DAY,Kelbasy SOUP,My sisters Gall Bladder
Lets start with memory loss.... Now we can blame age, Stress and articial sweeteners that is in the coffee,soda, yogurt and other prepared foods....We can blame it on DONALD RUMSFELD, who was president of the company that invented it...THE FDA, said it was dangerous...and didnt want to allow its production, but Rumsfeld position in the government...was able to overide their thumbs down decision...and many people complain about their memory...and researchers think it may cause or at least contgribute to Multiple Sclerosis, and other brain and neurological problems. I really do belive that since I have been drinking diet soda..(which I more or less have stopped) my memory too a great downward path.
Memory...they call it senior moments. How many of you go to the refrigerator, or closet....or anywhere and forget why you went there. Raise your hand. How many people turn on the stove to cook something, and then go to watch TV or type on the computer....and you soon smell something burning...It isnt surprising that we forget to pay bills...but sometimes, I even forge that someone owes me money....or to make a delivery.....
The reason I am bringing up memory loss now, is that I wrote someone a letter...which contained an analysis of why the world is making such a big deal about SUAN BOYLE from ENGLAND HAS TALENT.. I for one, was sent an email with a link to the program. ANd I looked at her and was expecting something silly, funny or just bad. I thought she might have been a truck driver in DRAG. But when she opened her mouth....I, like the audience and most of the world got quite a shock. I was guilty of a erroneous as it was, that because she looked the way she did, there was no talent within.
I immediately turned SISSY...and cried. I had tears running down my cheeks. My chest heaved....and I actually made fun of myself. When I replayed the LINK, I saw the Judge "Pierce" carefully swallow hard, lift his head, put his hands over his head....he was fighting back tears too...As AMANDA.....Then the camera panned the audience and you saw others visually crying.
I had written someone a letter, analyzing why I and other people cried when they heard her singing so beautifully, and the audience clapped and cheered and gave her a standing ovation... I think all of us have certain inferiority complexes...over looks, ability, mentality, talent.... So when this more or less unattractive woman, late in life, gets up before an audience....and then gets such acceptances.....we commiserate with her. We all became SUSAN Boyle for a few minutes... and suddenly, the world really can see what we have inside. They love us. Yes, we felt love...the love they were giving SUSAN BOYLE..we were accepting too. And we cried out of JOY..and in the words of DR ARTHUR JANOV, the founder of the PRimal Scream Therapy....we can trans late those tears of joy to a psychological phenomena called
"Mommy or DADDY (or both) really loves me. We are accept. For those brief moments..we did what SPOCK used to do on Star TREK...we mind melded..with SUSAN BOYLE.. we all became one.... and we all were loved. WOuldnt it be nice if we could figure out how to join the entire world this feeling what others are feeling....and share their joy, or we can make this fucking planet a better place. Please to not be offended by that world just felt so appropriate at that time.
TRUE....or not its funny.... Saw BOB tonight....He was more lucid for part of the visit and complete wacked out. He was telling Juan and me...that yesterday he was held prisioner on a large drug lords and terrorists.....who were carrying a plane load of Steiff stuffed toys. They made him into a slave and had to clean the airplane.... Then he was asking about how Juan and Me and he were in a HOTEL Yesterday....and how his Friends PAt and JIm were there to visit him (in reality they are on vacation this week in CROATIA)
He also said the Black Nurse wanted to know how many millions he had before they got married) Poor Juan, wasn't ready for this..when his questions or stories got really far out....Juan looked up at me in confusion....
I spoke with the Dr...and asked him if he was tested for a stroke....(He was supposed to have been) but when he came back..he read his charts and they never did it... This is why it is good to understand some things about medicine and illness, and be on the hospital and DRS backs....they bury their mistakes.
What was interesting tonight, Bob was more lucid tonight than any othe time since his operation.....yet, his fantasy trips were more vivid. I am hoping it is the morphine causing all of this.....and as days pass, more of the old BOB will return....He wanted me to give him his pants so he could walk out....I tried to expalin that he is all hooked up to all these machines, with fluids going into his body and coming out of his boy with all types and sizes of tubes and wires...and buttons.....He looks like a high school science project..with a kindnapped person caught in the middle of it....Poor BOB...I hope he isnt in pain..
THE WONDER OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE... MY SISTER ARLENE UNDERWENT AN OPERATION TODAY ABOUT 1PM... tHEY REMOVED HER gALL BLADDER...AT ABOUT 3 OR 4 SHE CALLED ME HERSLEF..IT WAS OVER AND SHE WAS UP...AND WOULD BE HOME BY TONIGHT...SHE CALLED FROM HOME AND IT WASNT EVEN 6... tHE NEW LAPROSCOPIC SURGERY IS A MIRACLE.... it to is something from Star Trek or other scinece the stories of peope abducted by Aliens...and they did experiments on them. One couple from the BOSTON area claimed they stuck these little tubes or wires thru their belly bottoms to examine them....people thought that they were crazy......but now that is how they do the operations.....and when these people told there story...THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS LAPROSCOPES.....hEY, THE FLIP PHONE..WAS ON STAR TREK OVER 40 YEARS AGO..BEFORE WE HAD CELL PHONES.......
anD FINALLY, WHILE IN THE HOSPITAL, SOMETHING TRIGGER A SOUP I HAD IN A LITTLE TOWN OF SUBITZA, POLAND... which is right across the Oder river from Frankfort Germany....The soup, whose name I had no idea....(I pointed to another table and motioned to the waitress that I wanted one)....was delicious. WHy I thought of that in the hospital who knows...I an only remmber the flavor.....which was that of Kelbasy.. The soup there had all kinds of veggies, and it was thick. There was chunks of sausage and other meats. I looked what we had in the kitchen...and cme up with this recipe....its finished now, and super. I think you really can adlib this soup becuase the main flavor comes form the kelbasy.
I had the fat and "gel" of a large package of chicken...I hadd two pounds of chuck steak with bones and fat removed... I had two potatoes, two onions, two carrots, one red pepper, a few okra, a piece of califlower, some sauerkrout, some cabbage, a tomatoe, two stalks of celery, celery seeds, black pepper ,three cloves of chopped garllic.... and half a pound of diced kelbasy.....and let it cook for a bit better than two hours....then add flour to thicken. Add salt..and that's it
But you really can add any kinds of veggies and meats...the kelbasy will carry the taste....I like the soup thick. You might add cream or sour cream when finished..
There are always options....I think soe carroway seeds woul dbe an interesting addition...try turnip, spinch, string or any kind of beans, chick peas, fava beans,
Memory...they call it senior moments. How many of you go to the refrigerator, or closet....or anywhere and forget why you went there. Raise your hand. How many people turn on the stove to cook something, and then go to watch TV or type on the computer....and you soon smell something burning...It isnt surprising that we forget to pay bills...but sometimes, I even forge that someone owes me money....or to make a delivery.....
The reason I am bringing up memory loss now, is that I wrote someone a letter...which contained an analysis of why the world is making such a big deal about SUAN BOYLE from ENGLAND HAS TALENT.. I for one, was sent an email with a link to the program. ANd I looked at her and was expecting something silly, funny or just bad. I thought she might have been a truck driver in DRAG. But when she opened her mouth....I, like the audience and most of the world got quite a shock. I was guilty of a erroneous as it was, that because she looked the way she did, there was no talent within.
I immediately turned SISSY...and cried. I had tears running down my cheeks. My chest heaved....and I actually made fun of myself. When I replayed the LINK, I saw the Judge "Pierce" carefully swallow hard, lift his head, put his hands over his head....he was fighting back tears too...As AMANDA.....Then the camera panned the audience and you saw others visually crying.
I had written someone a letter, analyzing why I and other people cried when they heard her singing so beautifully, and the audience clapped and cheered and gave her a standing ovation... I think all of us have certain inferiority complexes...over looks, ability, mentality, talent.... So when this more or less unattractive woman, late in life, gets up before an audience....and then gets such acceptances.....we commiserate with her. We all became SUSAN Boyle for a few minutes... and suddenly, the world really can see what we have inside. They love us. Yes, we felt love...the love they were giving SUSAN BOYLE..we were accepting too. And we cried out of JOY..and in the words of DR ARTHUR JANOV, the founder of the PRimal Scream Therapy....we can trans late those tears of joy to a psychological phenomena called
"Mommy or DADDY (or both) really loves me. We are accept. For those brief moments..we did what SPOCK used to do on Star TREK...we mind melded..with SUSAN BOYLE.. we all became one.... and we all were loved. WOuldnt it be nice if we could figure out how to join the entire world this feeling what others are feeling....and share their joy, or we can make this fucking planet a better place. Please to not be offended by that world just felt so appropriate at that time.
TRUE....or not its funny.... Saw BOB tonight....He was more lucid for part of the visit and complete wacked out. He was telling Juan and me...that yesterday he was held prisioner on a large drug lords and terrorists.....who were carrying a plane load of Steiff stuffed toys. They made him into a slave and had to clean the airplane.... Then he was asking about how Juan and Me and he were in a HOTEL Yesterday....and how his Friends PAt and JIm were there to visit him (in reality they are on vacation this week in CROATIA)
He also said the Black Nurse wanted to know how many millions he had before they got married) Poor Juan, wasn't ready for this..when his questions or stories got really far out....Juan looked up at me in confusion....
I spoke with the Dr...and asked him if he was tested for a stroke....(He was supposed to have been) but when he came back..he read his charts and they never did it... This is why it is good to understand some things about medicine and illness, and be on the hospital and DRS backs....they bury their mistakes.
What was interesting tonight, Bob was more lucid tonight than any othe time since his operation.....yet, his fantasy trips were more vivid. I am hoping it is the morphine causing all of this.....and as days pass, more of the old BOB will return....He wanted me to give him his pants so he could walk out....I tried to expalin that he is all hooked up to all these machines, with fluids going into his body and coming out of his boy with all types and sizes of tubes and wires...and buttons.....He looks like a high school science project..with a kindnapped person caught in the middle of it....Poor BOB...I hope he isnt in pain..
THE WONDER OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE... MY SISTER ARLENE UNDERWENT AN OPERATION TODAY ABOUT 1PM... tHEY REMOVED HER gALL BLADDER...AT ABOUT 3 OR 4 SHE CALLED ME HERSLEF..IT WAS OVER AND SHE WAS UP...AND WOULD BE HOME BY TONIGHT...SHE CALLED FROM HOME AND IT WASNT EVEN 6... tHE NEW LAPROSCOPIC SURGERY IS A MIRACLE.... it to is something from Star Trek or other scinece the stories of peope abducted by Aliens...and they did experiments on them. One couple from the BOSTON area claimed they stuck these little tubes or wires thru their belly bottoms to examine them....people thought that they were crazy......but now that is how they do the operations.....and when these people told there story...THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS LAPROSCOPES.....hEY, THE FLIP PHONE..WAS ON STAR TREK OVER 40 YEARS AGO..BEFORE WE HAD CELL PHONES.......
anD FINALLY, WHILE IN THE HOSPITAL, SOMETHING TRIGGER A SOUP I HAD IN A LITTLE TOWN OF SUBITZA, POLAND... which is right across the Oder river from Frankfort Germany....The soup, whose name I had no idea....(I pointed to another table and motioned to the waitress that I wanted one)....was delicious. WHy I thought of that in the hospital who knows...I an only remmber the flavor.....which was that of Kelbasy.. The soup there had all kinds of veggies, and it was thick. There was chunks of sausage and other meats. I looked what we had in the kitchen...and cme up with this recipe....its finished now, and super. I think you really can adlib this soup becuase the main flavor comes form the kelbasy.
I had the fat and "gel" of a large package of chicken...I hadd two pounds of chuck steak with bones and fat removed... I had two potatoes, two onions, two carrots, one red pepper, a few okra, a piece of califlower, some sauerkrout, some cabbage, a tomatoe, two stalks of celery, celery seeds, black pepper ,three cloves of chopped garllic.... and half a pound of diced kelbasy.....and let it cook for a bit better than two hours....then add flour to thicken. Add salt..and that's it
But you really can add any kinds of veggies and meats...the kelbasy will carry the taste....I like the soup thick. You might add cream or sour cream when finished..
There are always options....I think soe carroway seeds woul dbe an interesting addition...try turnip, spinch, string or any kind of beans, chick peas, fava beans,
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The world awaits anxiously my next blog
Obama is going to help unite our relationship with the Cubans, an IDIOT DELI blast roach bombs and sickens over 50 people, Iran convicts a US spy, but the world awaits my next blog......Yes they do... That is because my delusions of Superiority are better than most, and my hallucinations of how I would like the world to be, agree with so many, sometimes I have the balls to say thing, most peole just think about.I will continue tonight..but the day begins..Sping is here....the heavnly artist has paited the most beautiful magnolia, and flowering cherry trees.....the daffodildos are in bloom and the world seems gorgeous.. Yes, I said SEEMS!
Now the days had past, the night has set in, and I am sitting here very tired. My eyes, are watering...Allergy season is one of the side effects of SPRING... The landscape is decorated by the heavenly artist, but the pollens and molds....attack the senses..
I have no earth shattered commentary, or hysterical analysis of the news. No five hundred pound fat lady streaked thru the store today, with her pubic hair braided with read ribbons....NO crazy people came in....but there were two people, repeat customers, who did make me laugh....The PRODUCER of the REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC was here again with another one of his friends.... I looked at him and thought he looked younger... Maybe she lost weight....I realized he didnt have his hat on this time..... The man is very nervous or hyper.....and started talking up a storm, talking faster than I can even if I had to call 911....Finally, he put his face in his hands and said to you like it? LIKE WHAT? I asked MY face.....its NEW!!!
I had a face lifting...." I said, that I thought he had looked younger.....but I now was sure of it.. The DR really did a great job. No scars, discolorations....bruises.....he looks great.
I had to get a joke in....I said that I look great for my age to..Look no wrinkles at 66. He said AMAZING.... how do you do it.. I said its a secret, but if you promise not to tell anyone...I will tellyou"
"He promised, thinking..there is a secret....other than genetics"
I said I get BUN FACIALS!.... He first asked what is that? I explained you get fat people to sit on your face....and the heat and weight of their BUNS, stretch out the wrinkles" "He first thought I was serious..." then finally punched me in the arm and said YOUR ARE TOO MUCH......and I said...MISS THING...look who is talking.. His freind got hysterical......well, I am anxiously awaiting the show to be filmed here....I think that it will help business..... I was invited up to the BOLE estate in Tuxedo PARK.. for dinner... He wants me to read my poetry to a group of friends from the TV and Fashion world...He told his friend today....about my writings and he asked for a book... I should start putting them on here...but.....I understand it them becomes the property of FACEBOOK and fuck them, they cannot own my poems.
I went to the hospital see BOB....he was partially lucid and partially in LA LA Land....He started talking about the pain, the food, the nurses....and it made sense..but then he would say things like"There is just too much yellow,,,,way too much yellow and we have to get rid of someof it ...And other things more he tinks ther eis a 97 year old lady (who really exists but is not around the hospital) who is sneeaking in at night and putting make up on him" He also told me, almsot in tears that he is broke, and doesnt know how he is going to live.......Well, I should have half as much money in the bank as he has, and I would be doing fine. I am hoping that his dementia is only temporary..for he was normal upon entering the hospital....and its caused by all the anesthesia, sedation and pain medications.... I hope the DRs didnt screw him not having enough oxygen...for too much time... I think he we come back to us......
I need some sleep. Coming home late after hospital visits....feeding his dogs, then my dogs is exhausting.....soon, I hope the blogs will be back to normal....and funny again. But life is like and downs..cant always be creative and fun.
Now the days had past, the night has set in, and I am sitting here very tired. My eyes, are watering...Allergy season is one of the side effects of SPRING... The landscape is decorated by the heavenly artist, but the pollens and molds....attack the senses..
I have no earth shattered commentary, or hysterical analysis of the news. No five hundred pound fat lady streaked thru the store today, with her pubic hair braided with read ribbons....NO crazy people came in....but there were two people, repeat customers, who did make me laugh....The PRODUCER of the REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC was here again with another one of his friends.... I looked at him and thought he looked younger... Maybe she lost weight....I realized he didnt have his hat on this time..... The man is very nervous or hyper.....and started talking up a storm, talking faster than I can even if I had to call 911....Finally, he put his face in his hands and said to you like it? LIKE WHAT? I asked MY face.....its NEW!!!
I had a face lifting...." I said, that I thought he had looked younger.....but I now was sure of it.. The DR really did a great job. No scars, discolorations....bruises.....he looks great.
I had to get a joke in....I said that I look great for my age to..Look no wrinkles at 66. He said AMAZING.... how do you do it.. I said its a secret, but if you promise not to tell anyone...I will tellyou"
"He promised, thinking..there is a secret....other than genetics"
I said I get BUN FACIALS!.... He first asked what is that? I explained you get fat people to sit on your face....and the heat and weight of their BUNS, stretch out the wrinkles" "He first thought I was serious..." then finally punched me in the arm and said YOUR ARE TOO MUCH......and I said...MISS THING...look who is talking.. His freind got hysterical......well, I am anxiously awaiting the show to be filmed here....I think that it will help business..... I was invited up to the BOLE estate in Tuxedo PARK.. for dinner... He wants me to read my poetry to a group of friends from the TV and Fashion world...He told his friend today....about my writings and he asked for a book... I should start putting them on here...but.....I understand it them becomes the property of FACEBOOK and fuck them, they cannot own my poems.
I went to the hospital see BOB....he was partially lucid and partially in LA LA Land....He started talking about the pain, the food, the nurses....and it made sense..but then he would say things like"There is just too much yellow,,,,way too much yellow and we have to get rid of someof it ...And other things more he tinks ther eis a 97 year old lady (who really exists but is not around the hospital) who is sneeaking in at night and putting make up on him" He also told me, almsot in tears that he is broke, and doesnt know how he is going to live.......Well, I should have half as much money in the bank as he has, and I would be doing fine. I am hoping that his dementia is only temporary..for he was normal upon entering the hospital....and its caused by all the anesthesia, sedation and pain medications.... I hope the DRs didnt screw him not having enough oxygen...for too much time... I think he we come back to us......
I need some sleep. Coming home late after hospital visits....feeding his dogs, then my dogs is exhausting.....soon, I hope the blogs will be back to normal....and funny again. But life is like and downs..cant always be creative and fun.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ma Nish Ta Naw Halylah Haze(why is this night different than any other night)
Why is this night different from any other night..Well, lets see. It is Passover, nights when Seders(symbolic dinners) are in order, food is placed in a symbolic order...and stories of the past are told from reading the HAGGADAH, the book explaining how our JEWISH ancesters left Egypt and wanted after being slaves for 400 years..building pyramids...being beaten and starved to death..and finally, what was thought to be a Prince of Egypt, turned out to be the Leader of the JEWs who got them freed from their bondage.
But this night, there is another difference. The WHite HOuse had a number of firsts....The first African American President had a Seder.....I think its a wonderful thing..that he is trying to make all groups part of America....a mutual acceptence.. WHen did a president ever have a never....When did a president invite GAY families with children to the White HOUSE for the Easter EGG HUnt...never.... Obama..wants all minorities.....all groups, nationalities, races, religions, sexual be a part of the total picture...and each group feel accepted and important. He is brilliant and brave enough to carry out his plans.
He might have not kept his promise with getting a Shelter dog for his children. I am not sure of the status of BO yet (Bo hasnt called me yet to explain all the details...(didnt you know I speak "DOG" but with a SPanish Accent..Bo speaks with a PORTUGESE accent) But Obamas kids are allergic to fur...they need a dog with hair...and Bo has hair.. ALso, I think coming into the White House..the dogs past history wouldbe important for health and other reasons... But although Bop might no be a shelter dog, OBama has made the plight of shelter animals come to the forfront..which is very good..More education will hit the public of the status of shelter animals....and more animals will be adopted out..because of effect...the DOg Lovers got the attention they were promised, if not....Bo being one of the shelter animals.
I am very proud of OBAMA...I am still confused with the stimulus plan. If giving all the money away was the right thing...if the people involved really arent part of the problem......IO am not sure..some of them made a huge profit on Wallstreet themselves...but OBAMA had to do something..he could sit still with his thumb up his ass like BUSH did. He has to at least try.
Why is this night different from any other night..Well, lets see. It is Passover, nights when Seders(symbolic dinners) are in order, food is placed in a symbolic order...and stories of the past are told from reading the HAGGADAH, the book explaining how our JEWISH ancesters left Egypt and wanted after being slaves for 400 years..building pyramids...being beaten and starved to death..and finally, what was thought to be a Prince of Egypt, turned out to be the Leader of the JEWs who got them freed from their bondage.
But this night, there is another difference. The WHite HOuse had a number of firsts....The first African American President had a Seder.....I think its a wonderful thing..that he is trying to make all groups part of America....a mutual acceptence.. WHen did a president ever have a never....When did a president invite GAY families with children to the White HOUSE for the Easter EGG HUnt...never.... Obama..wants all minorities.....all groups, nationalities, races, religions, sexual be a part of the total picture...and each group feel accepted and important. He is brilliant and brave enough to carry out his plans.
He might have not kept his promise with getting a Shelter dog for his children. I am not sure of the status of BO yet (Bo hasnt called me yet to explain all the details...(didnt you know I speak "DOG" but with a SPanish Accent..Bo speaks with a PORTUGESE accent) But Obamas kids are allergic to fur...they need a dog with hair...and Bo has hair.. ALso, I think coming into the White House..the dogs past history wouldbe important for health and other reasons... But although Bop might no be a shelter dog, OBama has made the plight of shelter animals come to the forfront..which is very good..More education will hit the public of the status of shelter animals....and more animals will be adopted out..because of effect...the DOg Lovers got the attention they were promised, if not....Bo being one of the shelter animals.
I am very proud of OBAMA...I am still confused with the stimulus plan. If giving all the money away was the right thing...if the people involved really arent part of the problem......IO am not sure..some of them made a huge profit on Wallstreet themselves...but OBAMA had to do something..he could sit still with his thumb up his ass like BUSH did. He has to at least try.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bob is stable,I might be sick, Hollywood People were here..NEW STUFF
The report from the hospital was that BOB was no better nor worse....but when I went tonight, I spoke with the nurse...and..they said he is now only on 50% oxygen and 50% breathing on his own...this is a good step, although he is still on 2 antibiotics to make sure, all foreign bodys cant grow. I didnt wake him...but his color seemed better....
When I left the IC, I walked into the Cafe where the boys were waiting for me. I ordered a hamburger and soup. Soon after I downed the soup, which was delicious...Eddie said I was turning red...a condition, that has been happening lately ..usully noticed after I eat LOBSTER. But there was no loberster in the Spinach soup...and I wasnt sure, that I do have any lobster allergy? From the hospital we went to home depot. I started feeling dizzy, and then EDDIE say my face was reder and now my ears turned red. I felt very strange.....dizzy...warm. NOW, most of that sensation has passed. When I returned from HOME DEPOT....I took my Blood pressure and if the machine is right, it was 144 over 88..although, 5 minutes was 165/115 ...was too high...but I think I took it incorrectly...the first numbers of 144/88 is more realistic. But something is triggering these face reddening and warming condition?
Glen sent down two people who visited him in the MAHWAH Store....they bought up a small storm and then told me she was an actress...not famous, and had been on Seinfeld twice, and "MY NAME IS EARL" and other such programs...
I have been doing a bit of JEWISH Geaneology.....and have found a Lubman whose family suffers from stomach problem like we do....he says its genetic....I am waiting for answer to questions I sent him....and if it is so genetic...then I have found an offshoot of our family... Colitis, IBS and other stomach tuchis diseases....are something we have in common..... MAybe we can buy toilet paper in bulk....Nexium in bulk...start a family foundation...who knows.
When I left the IC, I walked into the Cafe where the boys were waiting for me. I ordered a hamburger and soup. Soon after I downed the soup, which was delicious...Eddie said I was turning red...a condition, that has been happening lately ..usully noticed after I eat LOBSTER. But there was no loberster in the Spinach soup...and I wasnt sure, that I do have any lobster allergy? From the hospital we went to home depot. I started feeling dizzy, and then EDDIE say my face was reder and now my ears turned red. I felt very strange.....dizzy...warm. NOW, most of that sensation has passed. When I returned from HOME DEPOT....I took my Blood pressure and if the machine is right, it was 144 over 88..although, 5 minutes was 165/115 ...was too high...but I think I took it incorrectly...the first numbers of 144/88 is more realistic. But something is triggering these face reddening and warming condition?
Glen sent down two people who visited him in the MAHWAH Store....they bought up a small storm and then told me she was an actress...not famous, and had been on Seinfeld twice, and "MY NAME IS EARL" and other such programs...
I have been doing a bit of JEWISH Geaneology.....and have found a Lubman whose family suffers from stomach problem like we do....he says its genetic....I am waiting for answer to questions I sent him....and if it is so genetic...then I have found an offshoot of our family... Colitis, IBS and other stomach tuchis diseases....are something we have in common..... MAybe we can buy toilet paper in bulk....Nexium in bulk...start a family foundation...who knows.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
2nd Blog first below first....My ORGAN< John,Puppies,Double Entandre
Tonight, I went with John to feed the puppies, and then on to the hospital to visit BOB...his energy was slighly up. He was able to slightly move his head and show expression....minutely. His both hands were now able to move, becuase LEE and her daughter...(who is an ICU nurse) were there and no longer in restraints. They were afraid if not restrained..he could pull out his breathing tube, which must be painfully annoying....(see John playing with the Puppies)
I had been able to handle visiting BOB..without too much emotion while I was there. I am the person who cries for all occasions. WHen happy or sad. And the older I get, the bigger of a sissy i get with the crying.. Weddings, Barmitzvahs, Presidental Elections, Movies with happy endings, movies with sad endings....
Tonight after we were there for 20 minutes, BOB was making motions with his hands..and tried to mouth something. I asked the girl at the desk if anyone there was able to read lips. She looked at me if I asked her if anyone there spoke MARTIAN or Plutonian.
Somehow, TONI, Lees daughter figured had something to do with JOHN. John held BOBS hand.....and BOB stopped motioning...or trying to mouth words. I think he wanted to thank JOHN for coming to show support...and for helping take care of his dogs.....This sight..of John bending over the bed holding BOBS hand...started to make be was a combination of sadness of BOB being in this situation, but HAPPINESS that John was able to comfort him....and that TONI was able to figure it out....
They found out that there was other reasons BOB got sick, not just the Pnemonia..which is what I thought all along...It wasnt just that BUG that got him so sick so fast. He hadfluid on the lungs from the Pleura..lining around the lungs..and that was caused by a weakened heart pumping....not so well after his triple bi-pass. There was no way Lee or I could have guess what was going on inside him...and that he would have gotten so sick so fast....I feel a little less guilty, that I didnt bring him into the hosital a few days earlier....mind you, I would have had to broken down the door. He is deaf...wouldnt have heard us...and he did refuse to go when we did call him...I was also afraid, if we did break in with the police, he might have had a heart attack, thinkit it was burgulars...and who knows, BOB might have been an ANNY OAKLY fan and had a gun hidden under his pillow.
Today, I sold an antique ORGAN from 1870..all hand carved in American couldnt make one of these today..for under 30,000 dollars...but using the concept of SUpply and demand, I sold this for less than a formica table brings at Bloomingdales. When the boys brought the organ down, to place in Rich's room for touch up, I said "did you ever have your organ handled by two young men?" The stunned young man, who was from INDIA, didnt know how to respond. He wanted to laugh, but his cultural stolicness prevented it. He was thinking dirty...(good for him) but was fighting it... The I said, "I promise you..we will clean your organ, nicely, with strong and gentle hands" and...."belive me we know what to do with your organ" After the third comment, he and his brother couldnt control their laughter...and then I said, if My customers admire your organ, I will let them play with it" That was all they could take,before they lost it and got histerical... Its the first time I have ever seen anyone from INdia laugh like they did.
Passover, Easter,Religion and Spring
Some day, if I live long enough, and have the time and energy.....I will write a book called GREAT RELIGIONS of the WORLD and other BUBBAMEISERS (granmothers tales...or basically BS)
So far the religion of the HEBREWS, has survived more than any other, and has given rise to several more, who then turned around and persecuted them.....and now, we are persecuting that last off shoot. While we all are supposed to be worshipping the same ONE GOD, we each have found better ways to achieve this, better rituals, better rules and regulations, and better ways to kill those who oppose, although one of the basic tenets is Thou Shall not kill.
The God of the Hebrews started out as this scary GOD, who said his name wwas IAM WHO I AM...hmm, that makes it very clear.He seemed to inhabit the top of Mount Sinai..and how convienient that the God theyh would adopt, or vice versa...just happened to live right there..., there fore it became a holy mountain, and man wasnt allowed to go up there...(and prove that he really wasnt there...that would have blown the entire religion from the get go.
That meant then, he was a local god...not a god for the entire world, not in the begining anyway. Eventually, after MOSES, transformed himself from Egyptian Prince to the leader of the Hebrews.....the religion started to take shape.
There is legend, that the ORIGINAL Hebrews not only sacrificed goats and lambs, but had human sacrifice in the begining...Probably the victims were yentas, that they wanted to get rid there was no great loss. But you have to give them credit, whether there was a MOSES or Not....or if GOD wrote the Ten COmmandments, the content of them, was extremely sophisticated for 5700 years ago.....just think of it, a set of rules to live by....written in a time, that predated toilet paper, psychiatrists, and hair dye, and TV dinners. These rules really do apply today, and although not the letter of the law, would make soicety flow better if there were.
They are logical and make sense. There are people who think the original ten commandments came from a longer list...that was modified over time. Rules that might have been much harder to follow in a harsh desert climate. As with any people and their history, stories and legends are hard to separate from fact. How much, if any of the old testament really happened, at this point doenst matter. We do know, that this group of people, born to the desert, grew and prospered with their new religion. Like any other group of people, they were not saints..Theywere not CHOSEN becuase they were better than anyone else..but...CHOSEN only to recieve the ten commandments, and spread them throughout the world. The Hebrews battled with other tribes for land,water and power. They had a very strong belief system....took care of their own, and their religion incorporated prayer and common law. The rules dictated everything in their religious and daily life. It becamse the police and court system. And like other religions that followed, it became a way to control the population.
In later years, Mohammed, the religous leader of the Moslems gathered an army and tried to conquer the known world, later..the POPE created the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, and got an army together to achieve the same things as MOe. AND IN A SIMILAR,BUT SMALLER WAY, GEORGE BUSH, raillied the Born Again Christians...gathered an army and attacked Afganistan and Iraq under false pretenses... once claiming GOD told him to attack... Bush, like other religous people, used drugs and heard voices..Today we have medication for that, in years past, they thought it was divine intervention.
Passover, and the Jews escaping EGYPT, was like a rebirth of their religion. The religion of the past, has relatively no resemblance of the Judaism of today. The rules and regulations were primitive and tribal, filled with rediculous superstition that had DEATH as penalty for planting more than one crop in a field, or making a garment from two diffent types of cloth. HOW they could have rationalized that who knows. They were allowed to kill their wife or children if they disobeyed the rules. Or didnt keep the sabbath holy, but they were smart enough to know, that life was harsh...and they needed a day off.....and their beasts of burden, needed a say off from schleeping in the hot desert environment. They might have been crazy in some of their rules, but they werent crazy.. Saichel (common sense) grew early in the lives of the Jewish people.
MAny laws grew up out of necessity. They didnt have gay bars on the desert. Not that they didnt have gay people, or bisexual people. It was not accepted for one simple reason. TWO MEN OR TWO WOMEN IN A not produce warriors...which were needed deperatly to defend their tribes...from more primitive and warlike tribes. ANd not only warriors, but they needed an increase in population. Remember, there were no Doctors, no hospitals, no medicnes back then. The birth mortality rate was very high. The life expectancy, was very low.. In contraty to the nonsense in the bible of people living hundreds of years.....most didnt make it past 30....even in America, during COLONIAL times, the average age of death in America was 35 years old. The rich Like Ben Franklin, Washington etc, lived longer because they had a less harsh life. In Bibical times, families tried to have one kid a year, as long as mommas vagina would hold up. Large families produced warriors, shepards, and workers in the fields. To insure a growing population, anti same sex relatioship laws were built into the religion...and possibly, one of the missing commandments might have been though shall not be a rump ranger...under the penalty of death. Love a person of the same sex in those days, and getting caught meant you would be stoned. And in those days, they didnt use cannabis, they used real stones. I wonder how many thousands or millions of people have been excuted over the ages for loving one of their own? How big would be the monument commemorating these martyrs whose dust wanders aimlessly in the stomosphere, would be?
Before I get to far into JEWISH History, I wasn to return the day at hand.. Easter. Jesus Christ is said to have been resurrected from the dead ,thousands of years ago today. It was his rebirth. But also in April, the rebirth of the season is at hand. The flowers bloom. The grass returnes to verdant hues. The trees begin to sprout its leaves, and the barren land, reawakens from the cold winter. The earth is ressurected again, year after year. And this started millenea before the birth and death of Jesus. Is this not a story, injected into the political story of Jesus of Nazareth, who tried to make the known world a better place? He tried to make the TEMPLE, not a place of business and corruption, but return it to the purity of the JEWISH religion. But Rome was to Jerusalem, as we are to IRAQ. We are trying to run the show, and if anyone gets in our way, as Jesus got in the way of the ROMANS, we would have to crucify them. ANd what better way to indure the memory of the MAN Jesus, and make him a GOD, but to have him resurrected after he was assasinated as a political enemy. This makes a far better ending to the story,than if he just died on the cross that he helped carry. Now you know, if he really was GOD, and could heal the sick, raise the dead, make the blind see...he cought have escaped the ROmans..and disappeared. But, he was just a man, a GOOD man, who was doing the right thing, and as we say today, no good deed goes unpunished. His followers embellished his create a new religion, which was something Jesus himself was not trying to do. He lived and died a JEW. Only his followers decided to turn him into a GOD, but creating myths about his powers and death. Had he really have had those powers, he wouldnt have had to die.
Resuurection is not a new story, Many religions that preceded Christianity has the story of ressurection, A TRINITY, a VIrgin BIRTH...and even Dec 25 as an important date in their religous History..Nothing of the story of JESUS was original.Only the names and places have been changed. IN the story of the PHOENIX BIRD, it ressurected itself from the flames...and was born anew.
The Easter eggs, a symbol of no coincidence either.The egg precedes for the Easter Bunny, another legend has it that when CHRIST was on the cross, a rabbit was looking up at him and was knwon to have said,"What's Up DOC?"
Yes that was a joke. And some might be horrified or insulted at me joking on such a serious subject. First of all, we really do not know if anything at all that we read in the bible every really happened. Secondaly, using logic, we know most of it even if some of it came to pass, has been dramatically changed, altered to fit the needs of the people who wrote the bible or edited it. And thirdly, I feel, that if there is a GOD, he or she or it...(must be an it...a spirit) wouldnt have a sexuality ascribed to it...if so then there would have to be a MRS GOD....for a man GOD would need a woman GOD to reamin satified...angry gods, there for cause storms, earthquakes, tidal waves, disease, tornados, forest fires.etc)
I think if there is a GOD, and although we wouldnt understand the reason this spirit creates things, the spirit would beable to take humor and sillyness, and what man wouuld consider sacriligiousness...God would laugh at my jokes..because in my heart, what ever the spirit is...and I do not claim to have any idea at all what it is...and the enormity of its power) would laugh with me and not be pissed at all. God would have super humanistic qualities......I think GOd has a sense of humor. Just for example, look at a Giraffe...who ever created it..must have had a sense of humor....
So far the religion of the HEBREWS, has survived more than any other, and has given rise to several more, who then turned around and persecuted them.....and now, we are persecuting that last off shoot. While we all are supposed to be worshipping the same ONE GOD, we each have found better ways to achieve this, better rituals, better rules and regulations, and better ways to kill those who oppose, although one of the basic tenets is Thou Shall not kill.
The God of the Hebrews started out as this scary GOD, who said his name wwas IAM WHO I AM...hmm, that makes it very clear.He seemed to inhabit the top of Mount Sinai..and how convienient that the God theyh would adopt, or vice versa...just happened to live right there..., there fore it became a holy mountain, and man wasnt allowed to go up there...(and prove that he really wasnt there...that would have blown the entire religion from the get go.
That meant then, he was a local god...not a god for the entire world, not in the begining anyway. Eventually, after MOSES, transformed himself from Egyptian Prince to the leader of the Hebrews.....the religion started to take shape.
There is legend, that the ORIGINAL Hebrews not only sacrificed goats and lambs, but had human sacrifice in the begining...Probably the victims were yentas, that they wanted to get rid there was no great loss. But you have to give them credit, whether there was a MOSES or Not....or if GOD wrote the Ten COmmandments, the content of them, was extremely sophisticated for 5700 years ago.....just think of it, a set of rules to live by....written in a time, that predated toilet paper, psychiatrists, and hair dye, and TV dinners. These rules really do apply today, and although not the letter of the law, would make soicety flow better if there were.
They are logical and make sense. There are people who think the original ten commandments came from a longer list...that was modified over time. Rules that might have been much harder to follow in a harsh desert climate. As with any people and their history, stories and legends are hard to separate from fact. How much, if any of the old testament really happened, at this point doenst matter. We do know, that this group of people, born to the desert, grew and prospered with their new religion. Like any other group of people, they were not saints..Theywere not CHOSEN becuase they were better than anyone else..but...CHOSEN only to recieve the ten commandments, and spread them throughout the world. The Hebrews battled with other tribes for land,water and power. They had a very strong belief system....took care of their own, and their religion incorporated prayer and common law. The rules dictated everything in their religious and daily life. It becamse the police and court system. And like other religions that followed, it became a way to control the population.
In later years, Mohammed, the religous leader of the Moslems gathered an army and tried to conquer the known world, later..the POPE created the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, and got an army together to achieve the same things as MOe. AND IN A SIMILAR,BUT SMALLER WAY, GEORGE BUSH, raillied the Born Again Christians...gathered an army and attacked Afganistan and Iraq under false pretenses... once claiming GOD told him to attack... Bush, like other religous people, used drugs and heard voices..Today we have medication for that, in years past, they thought it was divine intervention.
Passover, and the Jews escaping EGYPT, was like a rebirth of their religion. The religion of the past, has relatively no resemblance of the Judaism of today. The rules and regulations were primitive and tribal, filled with rediculous superstition that had DEATH as penalty for planting more than one crop in a field, or making a garment from two diffent types of cloth. HOW they could have rationalized that who knows. They were allowed to kill their wife or children if they disobeyed the rules. Or didnt keep the sabbath holy, but they were smart enough to know, that life was harsh...and they needed a day off.....and their beasts of burden, needed a say off from schleeping in the hot desert environment. They might have been crazy in some of their rules, but they werent crazy.. Saichel (common sense) grew early in the lives of the Jewish people.
MAny laws grew up out of necessity. They didnt have gay bars on the desert. Not that they didnt have gay people, or bisexual people. It was not accepted for one simple reason. TWO MEN OR TWO WOMEN IN A not produce warriors...which were needed deperatly to defend their tribes...from more primitive and warlike tribes. ANd not only warriors, but they needed an increase in population. Remember, there were no Doctors, no hospitals, no medicnes back then. The birth mortality rate was very high. The life expectancy, was very low.. In contraty to the nonsense in the bible of people living hundreds of years.....most didnt make it past 30....even in America, during COLONIAL times, the average age of death in America was 35 years old. The rich Like Ben Franklin, Washington etc, lived longer because they had a less harsh life. In Bibical times, families tried to have one kid a year, as long as mommas vagina would hold up. Large families produced warriors, shepards, and workers in the fields. To insure a growing population, anti same sex relatioship laws were built into the religion...and possibly, one of the missing commandments might have been though shall not be a rump ranger...under the penalty of death. Love a person of the same sex in those days, and getting caught meant you would be stoned. And in those days, they didnt use cannabis, they used real stones. I wonder how many thousands or millions of people have been excuted over the ages for loving one of their own? How big would be the monument commemorating these martyrs whose dust wanders aimlessly in the stomosphere, would be?
Before I get to far into JEWISH History, I wasn to return the day at hand.. Easter. Jesus Christ is said to have been resurrected from the dead ,thousands of years ago today. It was his rebirth. But also in April, the rebirth of the season is at hand. The flowers bloom. The grass returnes to verdant hues. The trees begin to sprout its leaves, and the barren land, reawakens from the cold winter. The earth is ressurected again, year after year. And this started millenea before the birth and death of Jesus. Is this not a story, injected into the political story of Jesus of Nazareth, who tried to make the known world a better place? He tried to make the TEMPLE, not a place of business and corruption, but return it to the purity of the JEWISH religion. But Rome was to Jerusalem, as we are to IRAQ. We are trying to run the show, and if anyone gets in our way, as Jesus got in the way of the ROMANS, we would have to crucify them. ANd what better way to indure the memory of the MAN Jesus, and make him a GOD, but to have him resurrected after he was assasinated as a political enemy. This makes a far better ending to the story,than if he just died on the cross that he helped carry. Now you know, if he really was GOD, and could heal the sick, raise the dead, make the blind see...he cought have escaped the ROmans..and disappeared. But, he was just a man, a GOOD man, who was doing the right thing, and as we say today, no good deed goes unpunished. His followers embellished his create a new religion, which was something Jesus himself was not trying to do. He lived and died a JEW. Only his followers decided to turn him into a GOD, but creating myths about his powers and death. Had he really have had those powers, he wouldnt have had to die.
Resuurection is not a new story, Many religions that preceded Christianity has the story of ressurection, A TRINITY, a VIrgin BIRTH...and even Dec 25 as an important date in their religous History..Nothing of the story of JESUS was original.Only the names and places have been changed. IN the story of the PHOENIX BIRD, it ressurected itself from the flames...and was born anew.
The Easter eggs, a symbol of no coincidence either.The egg precedes for the Easter Bunny, another legend has it that when CHRIST was on the cross, a rabbit was looking up at him and was knwon to have said,"What's Up DOC?"
Yes that was a joke. And some might be horrified or insulted at me joking on such a serious subject. First of all, we really do not know if anything at all that we read in the bible every really happened. Secondaly, using logic, we know most of it even if some of it came to pass, has been dramatically changed, altered to fit the needs of the people who wrote the bible or edited it. And thirdly, I feel, that if there is a GOD, he or she or it...(must be an it...a spirit) wouldnt have a sexuality ascribed to it...if so then there would have to be a MRS GOD....for a man GOD would need a woman GOD to reamin satified...angry gods, there for cause storms, earthquakes, tidal waves, disease, tornados, forest fires.etc)
I think if there is a GOD, and although we wouldnt understand the reason this spirit creates things, the spirit would beable to take humor and sillyness, and what man wouuld consider sacriligiousness...God would laugh at my jokes..because in my heart, what ever the spirit is...and I do not claim to have any idea at all what it is...and the enormity of its power) would laugh with me and not be pissed at all. God would have super humanistic qualities......I think GOd has a sense of humor. Just for example, look at a Giraffe...who ever created it..must have had a sense of humor....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Bob in ICU,Movie"The Ten Commandments,
I went to see my friend Bob in the ICU: the nurse on the phone said I could come up, but he would be sleeping, or if up, the medication would make him not remember that I was there. Regardless, I wanted to see him. I was forwarned what to expect. Prior to the operation,he had looked terrible, but he was awake and able to talk. Tonight, the scene was almost like science fiction. All types of machinery, with tubes of varying size...plug into all body orifices...A thick blue tube..which narrowed down to a thin one that was down his throat and into his lungs. Oxygen in his nostrils. A tube to remove urine... various tubes in both arms for Intravenous: hydration and food, two for 2 different antibiotics, another for morphne for pain, and another one for a sedative....and other wires hooked up to monitor heart..blood pressure....and I am sure there must have been one tube that goes directlyh into ones wallet or bank account.
He did know I was there. I spoke and he responded by using his right hand. He motioned in a circlular form, and by moving his head..barely. Thenurse came in and recognized the motion of his finger..and hand. She asked him if he wanted a pen and paper. He tried to write something for me...He wrote two words that were legible and then the third word...wasnt. "CAN NOT" and "DO NOT" and the other word started with a "reh....." and the other third word I have no idea. I wonder if he was saying "do not recesuitate??? The nurse didnt think so. ALthough what he has is very very serious, once the pnemonia is gone(if they can get rid of it) he should be back to normal. Not parylized or if he had a stroke.
All I can do is "talk to the main man" as I have been doing since Wednesday. PArt of me belives I am tlaking to the wall...and the other part of me thinks...its worth a try. But if there was this good GOD.....he knows what is needed..and sholdnt have to be bribed by people praying... He could have elminated the virus or bacteria that causes pnemonia, and everyother disease on earth? ANd while we are on the subject, I have to talk to him about earthquakes in Italy this week..and tornadoes and wildfires...Lots of peole died this week in these natural...or not so natural tradgeies....coulnt he have prevented it in the first place????and eleminate the need for prayers to save the people injured orburied, or burned??? I would love to belive that there is this WONDERFUL pray to..and our prayers might get answered. I also might win the lottery? FAT CHANCE.
I told Bob, that all is undercontrol..His home and doggies are in good hands..we not only feed them...but play with them so they are notfeeling abandoned.....and I told him that the DRS said he is resonding better today than yesterday. Tomorrow a bit more...and with in the week, she should be getting the tubes removed, and sitting up....and getting out of ICU. I told him just to relax and get better.
This is the holiday season..It is now offically Easter SUNDAY....and its Passover week....I watched again tonight, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. What an awful movie. The acting is amateur..including Charleton Heston..I could have done the part better. I look more JEWISH than he does...and I think I would have done the part more realistically and believable.....
It is almost a comedy....Yul Brenner, the PHAROH,m acted like a big Queen, not a PHAROH....and all the rest of the actors...including EDWARD G ROBINSON< who might have been the most "miscast of the entire movie) were hilarious....They all over acted...worse than Middle School or High School amateurs....but so bad, that I was laughing....The music was pathetic for most of it..and not Mid Eastern. Instruments that were played in COuRt scenes....were ones not invented for at least another 3000 years....The funniest scene was when they were having their orgies around the GOLDEN CALF....public drunkeness....and the time frame was so wrong...they first talked about MOSES being gone for 40days and 40 mights..then they built the GOLDEN CALF..and then MOSES comes down.... It would seem then they built the golden calf in an hour an rediculous....
When Moses came down, with the ten commandments he was carrying both of them in one arm....which would have been impossible if they were carved out of heavy stones.and then he chastises the people for breaking GODS LAWS...of drunkeness,adultery, etc.....but he at that point didnt give them the 10 commandments they didnt know GODS LAWS to break...and suddenly the ground opened up...lightening struck the sinners, and they bad guys were swallowed up by the earth... AND THIS WAS THEIR INTRODUCTION TO A LOVING GOD...PALEEESE.
tHEY ALSO were seen making wine, from grapes they broughtr with them from Egypt..that is rediculous..the grapes would have rotted in a few days.....and to be turned into wine, would have taken quite a the move it took a day or two...NONSENSE>.......The entire movie, if made today...would be panned....and laughed out. But now it is a classic, and we watch it..but no one goes to pay to see it.....Wasnt his wife in the movie Yvonne DI CARLO, who later played LILLY in the MUNSTERS???
But....even though the movie sucked, the overal message still comes through....The Hebrews gave rise to the Jewish Religion. Their culture is based on the ten commandments...that GOD chose to give them...and that is where the term THE CHOSEN PEOPLE came from. They were chosen by GOD to receive the ten commandments..which most of society is based on. If people follow those rules, swociety will work.. Its kind of simple" Dont, lie, steal and kill. Honor your parents, dont be jealous of other peoples families of their wealth (or things)
Rest one day a week,.....those items sork for all society on the planet.....when the rules are broken......society runs amok. There are other ocmmandments which I will comment on another time.
He did know I was there. I spoke and he responded by using his right hand. He motioned in a circlular form, and by moving his head..barely. Thenurse came in and recognized the motion of his finger..and hand. She asked him if he wanted a pen and paper. He tried to write something for me...He wrote two words that were legible and then the third word...wasnt. "CAN NOT" and "DO NOT" and the other word started with a "reh....." and the other third word I have no idea. I wonder if he was saying "do not recesuitate??? The nurse didnt think so. ALthough what he has is very very serious, once the pnemonia is gone(if they can get rid of it) he should be back to normal. Not parylized or if he had a stroke.
All I can do is "talk to the main man" as I have been doing since Wednesday. PArt of me belives I am tlaking to the wall...and the other part of me thinks...its worth a try. But if there was this good GOD.....he knows what is needed..and sholdnt have to be bribed by people praying... He could have elminated the virus or bacteria that causes pnemonia, and everyother disease on earth? ANd while we are on the subject, I have to talk to him about earthquakes in Italy this week..and tornadoes and wildfires...Lots of peole died this week in these natural...or not so natural tradgeies....coulnt he have prevented it in the first place????and eleminate the need for prayers to save the people injured orburied, or burned??? I would love to belive that there is this WONDERFUL pray to..and our prayers might get answered. I also might win the lottery? FAT CHANCE.
I told Bob, that all is undercontrol..His home and doggies are in good hands..we not only feed them...but play with them so they are notfeeling abandoned.....and I told him that the DRS said he is resonding better today than yesterday. Tomorrow a bit more...and with in the week, she should be getting the tubes removed, and sitting up....and getting out of ICU. I told him just to relax and get better.
This is the holiday season..It is now offically Easter SUNDAY....and its Passover week....I watched again tonight, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. What an awful movie. The acting is amateur..including Charleton Heston..I could have done the part better. I look more JEWISH than he does...and I think I would have done the part more realistically and believable.....
It is almost a comedy....Yul Brenner, the PHAROH,m acted like a big Queen, not a PHAROH....and all the rest of the actors...including EDWARD G ROBINSON< who might have been the most "miscast of the entire movie) were hilarious....They all over acted...worse than Middle School or High School amateurs....but so bad, that I was laughing....The music was pathetic for most of it..and not Mid Eastern. Instruments that were played in COuRt scenes....were ones not invented for at least another 3000 years....The funniest scene was when they were having their orgies around the GOLDEN CALF....public drunkeness....and the time frame was so wrong...they first talked about MOSES being gone for 40days and 40 mights..then they built the GOLDEN CALF..and then MOSES comes down.... It would seem then they built the golden calf in an hour an rediculous....
When Moses came down, with the ten commandments he was carrying both of them in one arm....which would have been impossible if they were carved out of heavy stones.and then he chastises the people for breaking GODS LAWS...of drunkeness,adultery, etc.....but he at that point didnt give them the 10 commandments they didnt know GODS LAWS to break...and suddenly the ground opened up...lightening struck the sinners, and they bad guys were swallowed up by the earth... AND THIS WAS THEIR INTRODUCTION TO A LOVING GOD...PALEEESE.
tHEY ALSO were seen making wine, from grapes they broughtr with them from Egypt..that is rediculous..the grapes would have rotted in a few days.....and to be turned into wine, would have taken quite a the move it took a day or two...NONSENSE>.......The entire movie, if made today...would be panned....and laughed out. But now it is a classic, and we watch it..but no one goes to pay to see it.....Wasnt his wife in the movie Yvonne DI CARLO, who later played LILLY in the MUNSTERS???
But....even though the movie sucked, the overal message still comes through....The Hebrews gave rise to the Jewish Religion. Their culture is based on the ten commandments...that GOD chose to give them...and that is where the term THE CHOSEN PEOPLE came from. They were chosen by GOD to receive the ten commandments..which most of society is based on. If people follow those rules, swociety will work.. Its kind of simple" Dont, lie, steal and kill. Honor your parents, dont be jealous of other peoples families of their wealth (or things)
Rest one day a week,.....those items sork for all society on the planet.....when the rules are broken......society runs amok. There are other ocmmandments which I will comment on another time.
Sat Before Easter Tire Kickers are out in full Force
I am sitting in the we had a huge amount of people browsing....examining...measuring, asking questions....and if they couuld, they would proctoscope the furniture and the sales help, as a step to take under consideration before purchasing something.
One couple,...well a twosome of a foursome, wanted an entire lecture on on type of china.... They wanted date, history, chemical analysis...before even asking the price. I have a very low price, but of course not low enough..They continued their browsing...and when they continued...their search for enlightenment, I explained that there was customer on the 4th floor that needed my assistence.. We only have three floors!
Never has so many people spent so little. As a matter, never has so many people not spent ANYTHING!!! I do not mind people to have people in the store, but when they come here to pick my brain, as other people..just might need help...I do. ONE Hemorroid, after looking for a desk for a few hours...measuring, trying to figure out how we could alter it to fit through his hallway..which was 29" was on his way out...leaving us buying nothing. He held of a Vintage magazine with JFK on the cover.. He Asked if he could have it for nothing....I said, he could have it for a meer $5.00...maybe even cheaper than a new one today. He wanted it FREE..and wouldnt pay five dollars...... If he could have read my mind at the moment.......I was thinking he spent more for the awful red hair dye he used...
The nerve...asking for things FREE. Salvation army doenst give away things free...where in hell was this creep comming from? Schnorrerville? (schnorrer is the yiddish word for a cheap bastard.....not only cheap...but those who wants things for the schnorrers who came to my auction, only to eat at the free buffet, and then left before the auction started.
So far, this SAturday before Easter, and the Sat after GOOD the worst Saturday in the history of my store. I dont think we took in enough yet to go to dinner, unless it was at Mc Donalds...but enough people to fill up a few buses...(which we would drive off a cliff)
One couple,...well a twosome of a foursome, wanted an entire lecture on on type of china.... They wanted date, history, chemical analysis...before even asking the price. I have a very low price, but of course not low enough..They continued their browsing...and when they continued...their search for enlightenment, I explained that there was customer on the 4th floor that needed my assistence.. We only have three floors!
Never has so many people spent so little. As a matter, never has so many people not spent ANYTHING!!! I do not mind people to have people in the store, but when they come here to pick my brain, as other people..just might need help...I do. ONE Hemorroid, after looking for a desk for a few hours...measuring, trying to figure out how we could alter it to fit through his hallway..which was 29" was on his way out...leaving us buying nothing. He held of a Vintage magazine with JFK on the cover.. He Asked if he could have it for nothing....I said, he could have it for a meer $5.00...maybe even cheaper than a new one today. He wanted it FREE..and wouldnt pay five dollars...... If he could have read my mind at the moment.......I was thinking he spent more for the awful red hair dye he used...
The nerve...asking for things FREE. Salvation army doenst give away things free...where in hell was this creep comming from? Schnorrerville? (schnorrer is the yiddish word for a cheap bastard.....not only cheap...but those who wants things for the schnorrers who came to my auction, only to eat at the free buffet, and then left before the auction started.
So far, this SAturday before Easter, and the Sat after GOOD the worst Saturday in the history of my store. I dont think we took in enough yet to go to dinner, unless it was at Mc Donalds...but enough people to fill up a few buses...(which we would drive off a cliff)
Friday, April 10, 2009
The First Gay Parents,Bobs Condition, FUNNY CUSTOMER etc
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Passover heartburn, Compliments..Too much wine
I am sitting here, staring at a bottle of Maalox. And although I am really suffering from terminal heart burn.....I just took a protonix....and want it to be assimilated before I drink from the plastic bottom. I have a hiatial hernia, as did my father, am aunt Becky who lived to be 103, my sister has it and my three nephews and neices all have it... The word OY.... is the shorten form of "OY it burns I need seltzer",which was the old fashion remedy before TUMS, Maalox, Protonix, Nexium, Prilosec, zantac and others.....
My sister made a wonder meal tonight for Passover...One can not call it a seder. It wasnt kosher, which makes no difference, and there were no prayers...and no tradition passed on. The FOur Questions of why this night is different than any other night" was no asked. A few symbolic foods were on the table: Matzo, Haroses(a mixture of apples,ground nuts,honey, wine--a brown gloppy mixture..which is symbolic of the alleged morter that was used to join the giant blocs of the pyramids..which the Hebrews assembled the pyramids....but, that might not even be true...those blocks were so big and heavy....that I dont think they even needed any morter to hold them together...but who knows, I wasnt there...I cannt say for sure, but had my aunt Becky been alive....she would have had an anser to that question...because...she "knew everything" She was anexpert on any subject you could come up with. For example, she was an art expert.... you would show her a Picasso or a DALI..she would say... ITS DREK (shit)....see..she is an expert...
The dinner started with chopped live and cheeses...that already would make it an anti seder...not kosher...but then again, WHO CARES..delicious is delicous and being kosher os one of choice, and personally, if your a good person, I dont think GOD gives a rats butt...what you eat, as long as its not a member of your and anyone elses family. We had tradional Gifuelte fish...traditional in Eastern Europe, not in the mid-east in the middle of a desert..with traditonal horseradish, followed by chicken soup and testicle sized matza balls...they grow them smaller this season...then a nice mixed salad....But then came the turley and the brisket...While crossing the wilderness on the way to the holyland for 40 years, the Hewbrews always had turley and brisket..with carrots and potaotes...and peas and carrots....and baked sweet and white potaotes....and matza koogle, two gravies, and pickles,olives and pickle peppers, and a wonderful tzimmis.....The expression do not make a big "tzimmis" comes from this wonderful mixture of strange foods....which seem to change as the Jewish population moved on throught the world. It used to have sweet potatoes, carrots,onions,and prunes...all stewed together....salt pepper and cinnamon added flavor... and I bet there are hundreds of different recipes that achieve the exaulted name of tzimmis. But my sister got her recipe from A Jewish Princess Lilly-kaluka-lani-Cohen...who added pineapple to the above recipe...and it made it even more delicious...had I not been so full...I would have eaten more...
I had a full glass of wine...something I never do....and it was delicious..Manichevitz Kosher for Passover...ANd soon after I finished eating I sat down on the sofa, and I dont remember much more, for I fell asleep or passedout...for an hour.. I did need the rest, but the wine, worked as a nice tranquilzer......After drinking the wine, my face felt flushed...and I would say I was drunk, but very relaxed.....and I was more quiet than usual. I didnt feel I had anything much to say, after a few sentences early on in the meal....
My sister made a wonder meal tonight for Passover...One can not call it a seder. It wasnt kosher, which makes no difference, and there were no prayers...and no tradition passed on. The FOur Questions of why this night is different than any other night" was no asked. A few symbolic foods were on the table: Matzo, Haroses(a mixture of apples,ground nuts,honey, wine--a brown gloppy mixture..which is symbolic of the alleged morter that was used to join the giant blocs of the pyramids..which the Hebrews assembled the pyramids....but, that might not even be true...those blocks were so big and heavy....that I dont think they even needed any morter to hold them together...but who knows, I wasnt there...I cannt say for sure, but had my aunt Becky been alive....she would have had an anser to that question...because...she "knew everything" She was anexpert on any subject you could come up with. For example, she was an art expert.... you would show her a Picasso or a DALI..she would say... ITS DREK (shit)....see..she is an expert...
The dinner started with chopped live and cheeses...that already would make it an anti seder...not kosher...but then again, WHO CARES..delicious is delicous and being kosher os one of choice, and personally, if your a good person, I dont think GOD gives a rats butt...what you eat, as long as its not a member of your and anyone elses family. We had tradional Gifuelte fish...traditional in Eastern Europe, not in the mid-east in the middle of a desert..with traditonal horseradish, followed by chicken soup and testicle sized matza balls...they grow them smaller this season...then a nice mixed salad....But then came the turley and the brisket...While crossing the wilderness on the way to the holyland for 40 years, the Hewbrews always had turley and brisket..with carrots and potaotes...and peas and carrots....and baked sweet and white potaotes....and matza koogle, two gravies, and pickles,olives and pickle peppers, and a wonderful tzimmis.....The expression do not make a big "tzimmis" comes from this wonderful mixture of strange foods....which seem to change as the Jewish population moved on throught the world. It used to have sweet potatoes, carrots,onions,and prunes...all stewed together....salt pepper and cinnamon added flavor... and I bet there are hundreds of different recipes that achieve the exaulted name of tzimmis. But my sister got her recipe from A Jewish Princess Lilly-kaluka-lani-Cohen...who added pineapple to the above recipe...and it made it even more delicious...had I not been so full...I would have eaten more...
I had a full glass of wine...something I never do....and it was delicious..Manichevitz Kosher for Passover...ANd soon after I finished eating I sat down on the sofa, and I dont remember much more, for I fell asleep or passedout...for an hour.. I did need the rest, but the wine, worked as a nice tranquilzer......After drinking the wine, my face felt flushed...and I would say I was drunk, but very relaxed.....and I was more quiet than usual. I didnt feel I had anything much to say, after a few sentences early on in the meal....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My:Passover.ADVERT why is this day different than all others?
cHECK OUT MY advert in a local Jewish Magazine...I shows President Obmama, wearing a yarmulka,annoucing the GRANNYS ATTIC simulus plan, to decorate your home for PAssover..
THE PHONE RANG EARLY.... It was dark and cold..and my brain had to clear of cerebum cob webs..the voice was familiar....Bob's friend of 60 years Lee, informing me that he is waiting for me to bring him to the hospital....She said he was semi-coherent...I called the boys to come with me to get him...I didnt think I would beable to handle him in his bad condition alone. I went, with one of them and two pounds of chicken that Dotty had booked for BUDDY.....for I would be taking care of all three of his "Hot DOGS"', who I found out later tonight, had hardly been fed in three days.
When we got to his home, we called we were out side...He more or less said he owuld be right down....but he never came down..After ten minutes I dialed 9ll,..i dialed wrong...and as I was redailing, he opened the door. He was in his underwear, his teeth were not in his mouth..and he looked like he was not with us. He was in lala land....At that point, I did call 911; the police arrived first..followed by the EMT, then more poilice and more and more people...I think they called the NAtional Guard, the Army, Airforce, NASA....I tried to keep some of the people out of there.....I was afraid his DOgs would run out......
They asked him a few questions, and then administed oxygen...I also was questions...and showed the EMT nurse..his medications....which they brought with him in the ambulance. They carried him out on the stretcher...and of course...sissy me had tears in my eyes... I tried to convince him for three days to go to the hospital....he would not have had to be carried out if he listened to me...but as the rest of the world thinks WHAT DO I KNOW>>>>>>
We fed the dogs and then followed over to the hospital....where the car was taken by Valet parking....He was immediately given a room, which would not have happend if we just walked in...He was still getting oxygen...he was given an immediate electro cardiogram, a test for blood sugar....a blood test for everything...(blood was drawn)
.....he pressure was very low, sugar moderately high...
While they were working on him we went to the restuarant to wait...and I hd the best lobster salad with REAL LOBSTER that I have ever had....I cant belive a hospital even had fake lobster salad...BUT theirs was real, delicious and a huge amount was given on the plate..with greens, hardboiled eggs, and veggies and a very good Russian Dressing...almost too much to finish and only 12.50.... This lunch served as a tranqulizer... I returned, talked again with two nurses and a "case worker"" Everyone was so nice,,,it seemed strange.. Everyone smiled...talked openly and without attiude. Even other workers who passed smiled at me.. I looked to see if my fly was open...why was everyone seeminly happy ,friendly and smiling?
The nice attitude started with the valet parking attendent......It almost seemed that I was an actor in some kind of science fiction movie..where everyone might have been replaced by a smiling robot.....(thoughts of the Steppford Wives came up too)
but no, they were not acting....I suppose that people are hired with good attitudes, they might be paid well, and have training programs on how to behave. Many of the hospital people are Volunteers...greeters, candly strippers, restuarant workers..who WANT to be there.....
I called later in the afternoon and spoke to nurses and then to his assigned DR. BOB, has pneominia, and kidney function problems.....and is now in Intensive care. He is getting INtravenous, liquids to feed hi, and intravenous antibiotics...and other stuff dripping down from 4 bags....and a tube going in the other directions to remove fluids from his lungs. He didnt look good. But he is alive, which might not be the case..if we didnt get him to the ER today. All I can do is talk the "the man upstairs"(doenst that sound chauvinistic?) and ask for an extention of everyone that I knows' experation date.
We went back to play with the dogs, feed them and clean up their art work. The shy one now came and sat in my lap and ate out of my hand....They knew someting was wrong....the shy one whimpered and ran around the room looking for something....BOB.
Its PAssover....a holiday that celebrates the Legend of the JEWS Exodous from Egypt....I am sure you all read it in the BIBLE, or at least have seen Charlton Heston in the he freed all the Jewish Slaves from Egypt....The Jews supposedly built the pyramids....but do not get any credit for them in Egyptian History....they schlepped those heavy stones (that is where the originally word of schlepping came from) but were they also the archetects>>>> Did the firm of Goldfarb, Goldstein and Ferbisseneh also design the structures... WHo knows. The deisgners, like the story itself is lost in obscurity... There are no history books that give the JEWS credit for this...only the bible. DID the Egyptians remove all traces of the story of the slaves, and MOSES, who freed them> Was there really a MOSHE (last name please????) who led the JEWS out of Egypt, later followed by the PHAROHS chariots..who were to follow and slaughter they drove chariots...and eventually were swallowed up as the waters dived in the ReD Sea.....permitting, the JEWS safe access to the other side after opening ...and then closing in on the PHarohs troops drowning them? Were there really all thos plagues sent upon the Egyptians..after Moswes sought for the PHaroh to let his people go? Were their really FROGS, and Boils, and locusts....and the last one of the death of the First born...(unless of course, blood was put over the door so the Angel of Death would "PASSOVER" that home. Finally after the PHAROHS sone died....he agreed to let the people go.... Moses had threatened ONE LAST PLAGUE...this plague was never mentioned in the bible.....for it was much too horrible. He said that a million YENTAS would descend upon the land of EGYPT....and drive everyone out of their mind" This was far to horrible for the Pharoh to take...and he told moses..GO.
After the Red sea splitting in half and killing the EGPTIANS..... they had to wander 40 years in the dessert. They forgot their fucking map.... If it takes 40 years to cross the desset..something is radically wrong.. First of all, they escaped almost over night. There are no 7-11's in the Dessert, no Stop and SHops, no A& kosher animals to kill, no fields of amber grains of make bread, no yeast tomake it rise. NO NOTHING. They wold have starved to death when their provisions that they ran away with went out....They were not cannibals so they couldnt have eaten each other....and no water to be had. IMPOSSIBLE.. The story is a bubbameiseh... (grandmothers tale)
There was a twenty year study of the dessert route that MOSES and his people were to have taken....they dug up many areas, and caves..... in 20 years there wasnt one shred of evidence, that a giant exodous ever occurred.....not one candy wrapper, or sardine can, or tuna fish can... Kidding aside, there were no traces of bodies of the dead, clothing, remnants of communial cooking and fireds, pots or pans, NOTHING AT all found in 20 years....of tens of thousand of people crossing the wilderness.. The story, is not plausabile, and with a study with intensieve research..there is nothing at all to support the theory..not logically or archeological....
But on the other hand, its a good story.. Good for a holiday. Good for getting people together to eat foods, they never had anyway. Where in the dessert would they find a nice pot roast... Where would they find guefilte fish, horse radish, parsley,
or any othe delicacies like Noodle Koogle, Tsimmis(a casserole of sweet potaoes, carrots and prunes,,maybe with some rasins and honey and cinammon.... Its a nice holiday....when family get together, and reads from the HAGGADAH, the special little book that tells the story of PAssover, has prayers, and songs to sing. Its a family of commemorating the group that one comes from, that you alighn yourself and your history to....and as Tevia from Fiddler on the ROOF us Tradition.
The many glasses of Kosher sweet something to look forward to each year, even for those who claim not to be a drinker. Happy Passover everyone and raise your glasses and shout out LI' Chaim to life.
And you might ask MA NISH TA NAW HI LILAH HAZEH...that means in Hebrew, Why is this night different than all other nights?" It is a question that fathers as the youngest boy at the table, usually their son....and the son ANswers.... On this night we eat MAtzot instead of Bread, or we eat reclining in stead of sitting up,...etc...
This Passover....and then running into Easter SUNDAY...a real different thing has happened.. President Obama...who promised change in all parts of our society..invited GAY brign their children to the Easter Egg Hunt on the WHite HOUSE LAwn.....WOW here he is bringing to public light...something formerly taboo, especially in religious circles.. The MAN is trying to bring all people together....Right and LEft, gay and straight, black and white...He realizes, that happy people, make for a happy country....happier economy.....I get to like him ore and more each day. As for the economic idea and stimulus.....I have some reservations if it will work or not.. I understand his views and other peoples views......but BUSh and Company, had destroyed the economy so much...something had to be at least tried. The spirit of all Americans need elevating...and he is at least trying..not sitting back, while the Military Industrila complex stole everything......and BUSH didnt know what the hell was going on.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
2:30 Sunday PM..its quiet....The Sopranos visit
It is a beautiful day...and when one is in the BROWSING business, one prays for drizzle or overcast days....Gorgeous days are fine if you own a business that attracts tourists at the beach, up the a park....Yesterday, it was miserable outside and fabulous inside...People came out of the wind and rain, to excercize the use of their credit cards.
Last night Johnand I went for our bi monthly ration of eggplant parmigian, at Sicilian SUN....a 45 second walk from GRANNYS...we are award with good food, decent prices...compared to some places...and moderalty good service. After a while, repeat customers nod to each acknowledgement that they recognize each other...No words spoken....
I kept noticing a few people who not only nodded back, but came over to the table to schmooze.....but one very familiar person, that I thought was a regular customer at GRANNYS, refused to nod back when I acknowledged him... I said to JOHN...that guy is a customer, and is either rude, or doesnt recognize me... John turned his head, and with intense sureness of him self, said "he is not a customer" and let it drop....
When we were leaving, I saw this mans photo on the wall. It was signed....Vince of the cast of the SOPRANOS> I still say he has been in the store,,,I know he lives near by.
Last night Johnand I went for our bi monthly ration of eggplant parmigian, at Sicilian SUN....a 45 second walk from GRANNYS...we are award with good food, decent prices...compared to some places...and moderalty good service. After a while, repeat customers nod to each acknowledgement that they recognize each other...No words spoken....
I kept noticing a few people who not only nodded back, but came over to the table to schmooze.....but one very familiar person, that I thought was a regular customer at GRANNYS, refused to nod back when I acknowledged him... I said to JOHN...that guy is a customer, and is either rude, or doesnt recognize me... John turned his head, and with intense sureness of him self, said "he is not a customer" and let it drop....
When we were leaving, I saw this mans photo on the wall. It was signed....Vince of the cast of the SOPRANOS> I still say he has been in the store,,,I know he lives near by.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
tODAYS WAS THE KIND OF DAY I LIKE....ALTHOUGH WE DIDNT HIT ANY OUTSTANDING RECORDS OF SALES, IT WAS GOOD....wE DID BETTER LAST WEEK, BUT.....LAST WEEK, THE MAJORITY OF THE SALES TOTAL WAS ONE VERY LARGE SALE...WITHOUT WHICH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A LOUSY DAY. AH, but today, we had a lot of people...and lots of people bought things.....I was busy running around, schmoozing with them and writing up sales.I really didnt even have time to eat lunch....and me not likie trying to stop a tornado with a lasso... Almost impossible.
We have so many people that we have met over the years...One of them is a professor of English from NYC....his age ...he will not tell me, but I am not sure if he is still in his 70's.....He is the most refined, articulate and best dressed many I have ever met. If a male model can be in his 70's or 80's this is the man. The clothes fit him as if custom made and put on a maniquin. He buys the finest antiques and art...and speaks so very kindly......I never googled him...and I do not know to much about him. I had given him one of my books of poetry and he read them all and commented how he liked them....and remembered details months later. He always has a driver bring him out nowaday...he used to drive himself...but he had a bought with "some illness". and since then, he hires a driver. I took some photos..and will try to post them, to share some of my favorite people with my blog readers.
Today, all the people who came behaved and were lovely people.......and so many of them were repeat customers....which made me feel very good too...I would say half were new..and have were regulars...Only one of them mentioned the TV commercials...but who knows/???
The top photo is the Producer and his friends (and me) of THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC.....I am still waiting for them to shoot a program in the store... He thinks it will be a great show and I will interact with his NYC Bitchy yentas.....I cant wait.....I should start loosing look better...hey, If I am gong to be a star...I would twinkle better...when thinner..
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bruchetta SOUP recipe....Yenta from HELL
Lets get rid of a Yenta first....I saw her from a Orange skirt with white flowers..that draped down to her white sneakers...a real fashion plate...Her wig was pretty good...and her voice, remind me of when someone with long nails, scratches a black makes one tuchis feel cold and squinch up...and an electric shock of minimal proportions went up my spine...and she continue to talk and kvetch and moan....and the electric chick, and squinching continued for a half an hour.
This yenta came to buy a desk.....said she can spend 1000 dollars.....but she continue to look at desks that were 3500,4500, and 5000... Ones that were in her price range were all ugly, the wrong style, the wrong color, not good enough and a list of other negativities.....(if that is a word) She kept on insisting that I give her one of the high price desks for her price. When I explained I couldnt...she got snide,and nasty. I said that I sold 4 desks in 4 days..and desks are our number one seller.."SHe nastily said "I am so happy for you" Then this work of art started on oriental rugs. She wanted me to move ten pieces of furniture(one of them filled with 100 pieces of cut glass) she could see a large rug....which would be too expensive, or too worn, or too red...or too someting or not enough something..she really expected me to move half the store to buy a rug for 100 bucks......she wouldnt let up being obnoxious. JOHN knows her and I asked him to handle her....then she went to the MAHWAH store and conned GLEN to sell her a bunch of rugs for 200 dollars...I wonder what she stole???? She told GLEN I am not a nice person....but she twice, tried to invite me for PASSOVER. I kindly said I am going to my sisters house. I thanked her... But I am sure, if I went to her house, I wold be in jail for something. If not putting the world YENTACIDE on the books, I would have gagged her with a ham hock, or a pile of bacon....that I had smuggled in...I would have replaced the lamb bone on the seder plate with a pig bone, and the parsley with poison ivy!!
She is a manipulative lady..that although she doenst like me, would have me to her house for the then bargain me down on stuff in the store. John says I know her....and dont recognize her...that she gained a lot of weight.....I wonder if mymemory is getting that bad. that I cannt recognize people....well, speaking of memory....John asked me to sign two checks yesterday.....He went out and came back and said to me, that I have to write another check...becuase I signed it wrong.. HOW IN HELL COULD I HAVE SIGNED IT WRONG???? Well, I ready the checks I signed and I laughed, but was shocked.....I signed one of them "ALL SALES FINAL"!!!I think stress is getting to me.....
LIBERALISM is usually thought to be in the big cities..and on the East Coast and the West Coast. New York, SAN FRANCISCO, Miami, Boston, LA.....and in most of these centers of Liberalism...Gayh marriage was not who would have ever thought....that mid America's IOWA....corn and wheat country....The place for AMERICAN GOTHIC..the painting with the washed out people with pitchforked and expressionless faces.....had their Supreme Court find it this famland with start joining the hearts andminds of samesex couples....IOWA....would you ever thunk?
Jumping to conclusions.. I am guilty too!!! When I heard of the murders in BINGHAMTON the Immigration Center...I immediately thought it was committed by some KKK member, WHite Supremesist, or some anti-immigrant anti illegal alien......pschotic white bastard. Well, laer in the day his name immerged..hardly pronouceable...and he is an ASIAN.....and probably an immigrant himself...
Brucheta experimental taste treat. I had bought 20 jars of Bruchetta at closeout...50cents a the Christmas TREE STORE. SO her eis what developed....I dumped an jar of it in a pottery bowl. Added a regular size can of diced tomatoes....with all its juice..then one can of water. a few tablespoons of lemon juice (or vinegar) salt and pepper. a few pinches of sugar....a few squirts of worstershire sauce...and a few tablespoons of vermouth or sherry... heat it up, add chopped fine parsely and sour cream...
This yenta came to buy a desk.....said she can spend 1000 dollars.....but she continue to look at desks that were 3500,4500, and 5000... Ones that were in her price range were all ugly, the wrong style, the wrong color, not good enough and a list of other negativities.....(if that is a word) She kept on insisting that I give her one of the high price desks for her price. When I explained I couldnt...she got snide,and nasty. I said that I sold 4 desks in 4 days..and desks are our number one seller.."SHe nastily said "I am so happy for you" Then this work of art started on oriental rugs. She wanted me to move ten pieces of furniture(one of them filled with 100 pieces of cut glass) she could see a large rug....which would be too expensive, or too worn, or too red...or too someting or not enough something..she really expected me to move half the store to buy a rug for 100 bucks......she wouldnt let up being obnoxious. JOHN knows her and I asked him to handle her....then she went to the MAHWAH store and conned GLEN to sell her a bunch of rugs for 200 dollars...I wonder what she stole???? She told GLEN I am not a nice person....but she twice, tried to invite me for PASSOVER. I kindly said I am going to my sisters house. I thanked her... But I am sure, if I went to her house, I wold be in jail for something. If not putting the world YENTACIDE on the books, I would have gagged her with a ham hock, or a pile of bacon....that I had smuggled in...I would have replaced the lamb bone on the seder plate with a pig bone, and the parsley with poison ivy!!
She is a manipulative lady..that although she doenst like me, would have me to her house for the then bargain me down on stuff in the store. John says I know her....and dont recognize her...that she gained a lot of weight.....I wonder if mymemory is getting that bad. that I cannt recognize people....well, speaking of memory....John asked me to sign two checks yesterday.....He went out and came back and said to me, that I have to write another check...becuase I signed it wrong.. HOW IN HELL COULD I HAVE SIGNED IT WRONG???? Well, I ready the checks I signed and I laughed, but was shocked.....I signed one of them "ALL SALES FINAL"!!!I think stress is getting to me.....
LIBERALISM is usually thought to be in the big cities..and on the East Coast and the West Coast. New York, SAN FRANCISCO, Miami, Boston, LA.....and in most of these centers of Liberalism...Gayh marriage was not who would have ever thought....that mid America's IOWA....corn and wheat country....The place for AMERICAN GOTHIC..the painting with the washed out people with pitchforked and expressionless faces.....had their Supreme Court find it this famland with start joining the hearts andminds of samesex couples....IOWA....would you ever thunk?
Jumping to conclusions.. I am guilty too!!! When I heard of the murders in BINGHAMTON the Immigration Center...I immediately thought it was committed by some KKK member, WHite Supremesist, or some anti-immigrant anti illegal alien......pschotic white bastard. Well, laer in the day his name immerged..hardly pronouceable...and he is an ASIAN.....and probably an immigrant himself...
Brucheta experimental taste treat. I had bought 20 jars of Bruchetta at closeout...50cents a the Christmas TREE STORE. SO her eis what developed....I dumped an jar of it in a pottery bowl. Added a regular size can of diced tomatoes....with all its juice..then one can of water. a few tablespoons of lemon juice (or vinegar) salt and pepper. a few pinches of sugar....a few squirts of worstershire sauce...and a few tablespoons of vermouth or sherry... heat it up, add chopped fine parsely and sour cream...
Silly Ad on Craigslist,Pee Pee Pampers for Posters
The following is an ad I posted this morning on Craigs List...really. Serious ads bore me and are non memorable, but silly ones give someone something to talk about.
Yes..the owner of the worlds largest antique store is a yenta....a very freindly yenta....who will talk to you as if you were an old freind from the Bronx or Brooklyn.....offer you a cup of coffee,cappuchino or coffee or tea and cookies....unless he is too busy talking with somneone else, then you have toask, for it...
Browsing in Grannys Attic is quite an experience, and soon,THE REAL HOUSEWIVES of NYC will be filmed there...and watch for the BAttle between the nasty yentas and the OWNER,, should be interesting
ANYWAY>>>>> come and visit the 30,000 sq ft store filled with 18,19,20thCentury antiques, fine art...vintage name brand furniture, designer stuff, fun stuff....some 20th C modern and Danish modern....and some very serious antiques ala SOTHERBYS and CHRISTIES but not at rediculous prices...great glass,china, silver, ASIAN, pottyer, porcleain....and enything you might find in a great mansion or estate.....
Yes..the owner of the worlds largest antique store is a yenta....a very freindly yenta....who will talk to you as if you were an old freind from the Bronx or Brooklyn.....offer you a cup of coffee,cappuchino or coffee or tea and cookies....unless he is too busy talking with somneone else, then you have toask, for it...
Browsing in Grannys Attic is quite an experience, and soon,THE REAL HOUSEWIVES of NYC will be filmed there...and watch for the BAttle between the nasty yentas and the OWNER,, should be interesting
ANYWAY>>>>> come and visit the 30,000 sq ft store filled with 18,19,20thCentury antiques, fine art...vintage name brand furniture, designer stuff, fun stuff....some 20th C modern and Danish modern....and some very serious antiques ala SOTHERBYS and CHRISTIES but not at rediculous prices...great glass,china, silver, ASIAN, pottyer, porcleain....and enything you might find in a great mansion or estate.....
Thursday, April 2, 2009
PEE PEE? Yep....I said PEE PEE
Today, got a phone call from one of my customers that they were hysterical on my latest few blogs..that they thought they would pee all overthemselves.... Isnt that a great compliment...people tell me that I cause them to loose control of there bladders... I went to 4 years of undergrad....and then grad school. and my claim to fame is that people read what I right and it makes them loose control of their bladder.
The store was more or less uneventful. The brave lady who got stuck in the elevator came back again today...this time she brought a friend who was warned to stay away from the elevator...which is now shut off untill they fix it...properly.
She read the blog, saw her photo and didnt say much. I think her bladder is in fine condtion under the circumstances...and she didnt find anything funny I guess.
Tonight I left the store very early, 8 on the nose..and went shopping at the A and P in MAHWAH.. I got out of the car, and bent down to tie my laces, when I heard a voice"MAURY IS THAT YOU" YES...its me.....I said. A bright and shiny face in a silver car yelled out "You made me pee in my pants last night....I read your blog.....I peed..... Now I wonder if there is something we can do with my blog to help the entire world. Put a copy of my blog in all teh Dr's when people have to pee in a cup and they are pee shy, instead of the nurse turning on the water for hear the sound of running water which might help the pissing process...THEY CAN HAVE A COPY OF MY BLOG....WHAT AN IDEA......
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
THE mystery of the week, that was not on the evening news, nor AOL, or any other scandle the NAtional Inquirer or the SUN, is why suddenly....when the carpet installers were using their energy draining nail gun, did the lights blow...the circuit break shit everything on the top floor down....and so far, no one can find out why....the breaker can not go back on.
INSTANT Caesar salad..... Chop up your romaine lettuse.. grate one clove a garlic very fine...add a tablespood or more of egg beaters, a table spoon of gratede parmigian or romano cheese, some Ken's Steak house Caesar salad dressing,m grate frsh black pepper... Total time elapased... 2 min toss and serve. Its ALMOST home made... Its ok to cheat..when the results are just as good. You might spend 6 seconds more and put on some extra virgin olive oil.
Last week I was not happy with the results of the Sweet Potoatoe soup. I really cheated and used can while canned yams are fine for some dishes..where you admarshmellows and other sweets....they are not good enough for the soup..where the sugar added to the can....takes away from the Potaotey taste. BOys and girls, peel real sweet potaotes or yams, steam them (in the microwave in a bag) and the soup will be twice as good.
I am guilty like so many Americans are today, of no longer readying the newspaper, and getting my news from the COMPUter....and although I know that AOL news is kaka doody news, I am too lazy to pursue other venues of finding out what goes on in the world. AOL news... is a cross between FOx NEWS, the National Inquireror, and Ripleys Belive it or not. I admdit some of the crap they put up gets my the man who swallowed scissors...or the frog that is the size of a small coin, or the child thrown out of a window was caught by people below...or MICHELLE OBAMA is not pregnant, or the guy who killed to see what it was life in jail....and the latest in the life of MIKE JACKSON, Britteny SPears, Linsey LOHAN, and all the other people that think they are the shining star i of the universe..who is cheating on who....who really is pregnant, who had a face lift...who is dying.....what the stars look l like without makeup..and all of crap that has no real effect on the a good report on GLOBAL WARMING, or real expose's on how CHENY was really the president ....and BUSH was the Ventriloquists dummy
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