Tonight, I went with John to feed the puppies, and then on to the hospital to visit BOB...his energy was slighly up. He was able to slightly move his head and show expression....minutely. His both hands were now able to move, becuase LEE and her daughter...(who is an ICU nurse) were there and no longer in restraints. They were afraid if not restrained..he could pull out his breathing tube, which must be painfully annoying....(see John playing with the Puppies)
I had been able to handle visiting BOB..without too much emotion while I was there. I am the person who cries for all occasions. WHen happy or sad. And the older I get, the bigger of a sissy i get with the crying.. Weddings, Barmitzvahs, Presidental Elections, Movies with happy endings, movies with sad endings....
Tonight after we were there for 20 minutes, BOB was making motions with his hands..and tried to mouth something. I asked the girl at the desk if anyone there was able to read lips. She looked at me if I asked her if anyone there spoke MARTIAN or Plutonian.
Somehow, TONI, Lees daughter figured had something to do with JOHN. John held BOBS hand.....and BOB stopped motioning...or trying to mouth words. I think he wanted to thank JOHN for coming to show support...and for helping take care of his dogs.....This sight..of John bending over the bed holding BOBS hand...started to make be was a combination of sadness of BOB being in this situation, but HAPPINESS that John was able to comfort him....and that TONI was able to figure it out....
They found out that there was other reasons BOB got sick, not just the Pnemonia..which is what I thought all along...It wasnt just that BUG that got him so sick so fast. He hadfluid on the lungs from the Pleura..lining around the lungs..and that was caused by a weakened heart pumping....not so well after his triple bi-pass. There was no way Lee or I could have guess what was going on inside him...and that he would have gotten so sick so fast....I feel a little less guilty, that I didnt bring him into the hosital a few days earlier....mind you, I would have had to broken down the door. He is deaf...wouldnt have heard us...and he did refuse to go when we did call him...I was also afraid, if we did break in with the police, he might have had a heart attack, thinkit it was burgulars...and who knows, BOB might have been an ANNY OAKLY fan and had a gun hidden under his pillow.
Today, I sold an antique ORGAN from 1870..all hand carved in American couldnt make one of these today..for under 30,000 dollars...but using the concept of SUpply and demand, I sold this for less than a formica table brings at Bloomingdales. When the boys brought the organ down, to place in Rich's room for touch up, I said "did you ever have your organ handled by two young men?" The stunned young man, who was from INDIA, didnt know how to respond. He wanted to laugh, but his cultural stolicness prevented it. He was thinking dirty...(good for him) but was fighting it... The I said, "I promise you..we will clean your organ, nicely, with strong and gentle hands" and...."belive me we know what to do with your organ" After the third comment, he and his brother couldnt control their laughter...and then I said, if My customers admire your organ, I will let them play with it" That was all they could take,before they lost it and got histerical... Its the first time I have ever seen anyone from INdia laugh like they did.
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