cHECK OUT MY advert in a local Jewish Magazine...I shows President Obmama, wearing a yarmulka,annoucing the GRANNYS ATTIC simulus plan, to decorate your home for PAssover..
THE PHONE RANG EARLY.... It was dark and cold..and my brain had to clear of cerebum cob webs..the voice was familiar....Bob's friend of 60 years Lee, informing me that he is waiting for me to bring him to the hospital....She said he was semi-coherent...I called the boys to come with me to get him...I didnt think I would beable to handle him in his bad condition alone. I went, with one of them and two pounds of chicken that Dotty had booked for BUDDY.....for I would be taking care of all three of his "Hot DOGS"', who I found out later tonight, had hardly been fed in three days.
When we got to his home, we called we were out side...He more or less said he owuld be right down....but he never came down..After ten minutes I dialed 9ll,..i dialed wrong...and as I was redailing, he opened the door. He was in his underwear, his teeth were not in his mouth..and he looked like he was not with us. He was in lala land....At that point, I did call 911; the police arrived first..followed by the EMT, then more poilice and more and more people...I think they called the NAtional Guard, the Army, Airforce, NASA....I tried to keep some of the people out of there.....I was afraid his DOgs would run out......
They asked him a few questions, and then administed oxygen...I also was questions...and showed the EMT nurse..his medications....which they brought with him in the ambulance. They carried him out on the stretcher...and of course...sissy me had tears in my eyes... I tried to convince him for three days to go to the hospital....he would not have had to be carried out if he listened to me...but as the rest of the world thinks WHAT DO I KNOW>>>>>>
We fed the dogs and then followed over to the hospital....where the car was taken by Valet parking....He was immediately given a room, which would not have happend if we just walked in...He was still getting oxygen...he was given an immediate electro cardiogram, a test for blood sugar....a blood test for everything...(blood was drawn)
.....he pressure was very low, sugar moderately high...
While they were working on him we went to the restuarant to wait...and I hd the best lobster salad with REAL LOBSTER that I have ever had....I cant belive a hospital even had fake lobster salad...BUT theirs was real, delicious and a huge amount was given on the plate..with greens, hardboiled eggs, and veggies and a very good Russian Dressing...almost too much to finish and only 12.50.... This lunch served as a tranqulizer... I returned, talked again with two nurses and a "case worker"" Everyone was so nice,,,it seemed strange.. Everyone smiled...talked openly and without attiude. Even other workers who passed smiled at me.. I looked to see if my fly was open...why was everyone seeminly happy ,friendly and smiling?
The nice attitude started with the valet parking attendent......It almost seemed that I was an actor in some kind of science fiction movie..where everyone might have been replaced by a smiling robot.....(thoughts of the Steppford Wives came up too)
but no, they were not acting....I suppose that people are hired with good attitudes, they might be paid well, and have training programs on how to behave. Many of the hospital people are Volunteers...greeters, candly strippers, restuarant workers..who WANT to be there.....
I called later in the afternoon and spoke to nurses and then to his assigned DR. BOB, has pneominia, and kidney function problems.....and is now in Intensive care. He is getting INtravenous, liquids to feed hi, and intravenous antibiotics...and other stuff dripping down from 4 bags....and a tube going in the other directions to remove fluids from his lungs. He didnt look good. But he is alive, which might not be the case..if we didnt get him to the ER today. All I can do is talk the "the man upstairs"(doenst that sound chauvinistic?) and ask for an extention of everyone that I knows' experation date.
We went back to play with the dogs, feed them and clean up their art work. The shy one now came and sat in my lap and ate out of my hand....They knew someting was wrong....the shy one whimpered and ran around the room looking for something....BOB.
Its PAssover....a holiday that celebrates the Legend of the JEWS Exodous from Egypt....I am sure you all read it in the BIBLE, or at least have seen Charlton Heston in the MOVIE...how he freed all the Jewish Slaves from Egypt....The Jews supposedly built the pyramids....but do not get any credit for them in Egyptian History....they schlepped those heavy stones (that is where the originally word of schlepping came from) but were they also the archetects>>>> Did the firm of Goldfarb, Goldstein and Ferbisseneh also design the structures... WHo knows. The deisgners, like the story itself is lost in obscurity... There are no history books that give the JEWS credit for this...only the bible. DID the Egyptians remove all traces of the story of the slaves, and MOSES, who freed them> Was there really a MOSHE (last name please????) who led the JEWS out of Egypt, later followed by the PHAROHS chariots..who were to follow and slaughter them...as they drove chariots...and eventually were swallowed up as the waters dived in the ReD Sea.....permitting, the JEWS safe access to the other side after opening ...and then closing in on the PHarohs troops drowning them? Were there really all thos plagues sent upon the Egyptians..after Moswes sought for the PHaroh to let his people go? Were their really FROGS, and Boils, and locusts....and the last one of the death of the First born...(unless of course, blood was put over the door so the Angel of Death would "PASSOVER" that home. Finally after the PHAROHS sone died....he agreed to let the people go.... Moses had threatened ONE LAST PLAGUE...this plague was never mentioned in the bible.....for it was much too horrible. He said that a million YENTAS would descend upon the land of EGYPT....and drive everyone out of their mind" This was far to horrible for the Pharoh to take...and he told moses..GO.
After the Red sea splitting in half and killing the EGPTIANS..... they had to wander 40 years in the dessert. They forgot their fucking map.... If it takes 40 years to cross the desset..something is radically wrong.. First of all, they escaped almost over night. There are no 7-11's in the Dessert, no Stop and SHops, no A&Ps..no kosher animals to kill, no fields of amber grains of wheat..to make bread, no yeast tomake it rise. NO NOTHING. They wold have starved to death when their provisions that they ran away with went out....They were not cannibals so they couldnt have eaten each other....and no water to be had. IMPOSSIBLE.. The story is a bubbameiseh... (grandmothers tale)
There was a twenty year study of the dessert route that MOSES and his people were to have taken....they dug up many areas, and caves..... in 20 years there wasnt one shred of evidence, that a giant exodous ever occurred.....not one candy wrapper, or sardine can, or tuna fish can... Kidding aside, there were no traces of bodies of the dead, clothing, remnants of communial cooking and fireds, pots or pans, NOTHING AT all found in 20 years....of tens of thousand of people crossing the wilderness.. The story, is not plausabile, and with a study with intensieve research..there is nothing at all to support the theory..not logically or archeological....
But on the other hand, its a good story.. Good for a holiday. Good for getting people together to eat foods, they never had anyway. Where in the dessert would they find a nice pot roast... Where would they find guefilte fish, horse radish, parsley,
or any othe delicacies like Noodle Koogle, Tsimmis(a casserole of sweet potaoes, carrots and prunes,,maybe with some rasins and honey and cinammon.... Its a nice holiday....when family get together, and reads from the HAGGADAH, the special little book that tells the story of PAssover, has prayers, and songs to sing. Its a family of commemorating the group that one comes from, that you alighn yourself and your history to....and as Tevia from Fiddler on the ROOF says....gives us Tradition.
The many glasses of Kosher sweet wine....is something to look forward to each year, even for those who claim not to be a drinker. Happy Passover everyone and raise your glasses and shout out LI' Chaim to life.
And you might ask MA NISH TA NAW HI LILAH HAZEH...that means in Hebrew, Why is this night different than all other nights?" It is a question that fathers as the youngest boy at the table, usually their son....and the son ANswers.... On this night we eat MAtzot instead of Bread, or we eat reclining in stead of sitting up,...etc...
This Passover....and then running into Easter SUNDAY...a real different thing has happened.. President Obama...who promised change in all parts of our society..invited GAY families...to brign their children to the Easter Egg Hunt on the WHite HOUSE LAwn.....WOW here he is bringing to public light...something formerly taboo, especially in religious circles.. The MAN is trying to bring all people together....Right and LEft, gay and straight, black and white...He realizes, that happy people, make for a happy country....happier economy.....I get to like him ore and more each day. As for the economic idea and stimulus.....I have some reservations if it will work or not.. I understand his views and other peoples views......but BUSh and Company, had destroyed the economy so much...something had to be at least tried. The spirit of all Americans need elevating...and he is at least trying..not sitting back, while the Military Industrila complex stole everything......and BUSH didnt know what the hell was going on.
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