Sunday, April 12, 2009

Passover, Easter,Religion and Spring

Some day, if I live long enough, and have the time and energy.....I will write a book called GREAT RELIGIONS of the WORLD and other BUBBAMEISERS (granmothers tales...or basically BS)
So far the religion of the HEBREWS, has survived more than any other, and has given rise to several more, who then turned around and persecuted them.....and now, we are persecuting that last off shoot. While we all are supposed to be worshipping the same ONE GOD, we each have found better ways to achieve this, better rituals, better rules and regulations, and better ways to kill those who oppose, although one of the basic tenets is Thou Shall not kill.
The God of the Hebrews started out as this scary GOD, who said his name wwas IAM WHO I AM...hmm, that makes it very clear.He seemed to inhabit the top of Mount Sinai..and how convienient that the God theyh would adopt, or vice versa...just happened to live right there..., there fore it became a holy mountain, and man wasnt allowed to go up there...(and prove that he really wasnt there...that would have blown the entire religion from the get go.
That meant then, he was a local god...not a god for the entire world, not in the begining anyway. Eventually, after MOSES, transformed himself from Egyptian Prince to the leader of the Hebrews.....the religion started to take shape.
There is legend, that the ORIGINAL Hebrews not only sacrificed goats and lambs, but had human sacrifice in the begining...Probably the victims were yentas, that they wanted to get rid there was no great loss. But you have to give them credit, whether there was a MOSES or Not....or if GOD wrote the Ten COmmandments, the content of them, was extremely sophisticated for 5700 years ago.....just think of it, a set of rules to live by....written in a time, that predated toilet paper, psychiatrists, and hair dye, and TV dinners. These rules really do apply today, and although not the letter of the law, would make soicety flow better if there were.
They are logical and make sense. There are people who think the original ten commandments came from a longer list...that was modified over time. Rules that might have been much harder to follow in a harsh desert climate. As with any people and their history, stories and legends are hard to separate from fact. How much, if any of the old testament really happened, at this point doenst matter. We do know, that this group of people, born to the desert, grew and prospered with their new religion. Like any other group of people, they were not saints..Theywere not CHOSEN becuase they were better than anyone else..but...CHOSEN only to recieve the ten commandments, and spread them throughout the world. The Hebrews battled with other tribes for land,water and power. They had a very strong belief system....took care of their own, and their religion incorporated prayer and common law. The rules dictated everything in their religious and daily life. It becamse the police and court system. And like other religions that followed, it became a way to control the population.
In later years, Mohammed, the religous leader of the Moslems gathered an army and tried to conquer the known world, later..the POPE created the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, and got an army together to achieve the same things as MOe. AND IN A SIMILAR,BUT SMALLER WAY, GEORGE BUSH, raillied the Born Again Christians...gathered an army and attacked Afganistan and Iraq under false pretenses... once claiming GOD told him to attack... Bush, like other religous people, used drugs and heard voices..Today we have medication for that, in years past, they thought it was divine intervention.
Passover, and the Jews escaping EGYPT, was like a rebirth of their religion. The religion of the past, has relatively no resemblance of the Judaism of today. The rules and regulations were primitive and tribal, filled with rediculous superstition that had DEATH as penalty for planting more than one crop in a field, or making a garment from two diffent types of cloth. HOW they could have rationalized that who knows. They were allowed to kill their wife or children if they disobeyed the rules. Or didnt keep the sabbath holy, but they were smart enough to know, that life was harsh...and they needed a day off.....and their beasts of burden, needed a say off from schleeping in the hot desert environment. They might have been crazy in some of their rules, but they werent crazy.. Saichel (common sense) grew early in the lives of the Jewish people.
MAny laws grew up out of necessity. They didnt have gay bars on the desert. Not that they didnt have gay people, or bisexual people. It was not accepted for one simple reason. TWO MEN OR TWO WOMEN IN A not produce warriors...which were needed deperatly to defend their tribes...from more primitive and warlike tribes. ANd not only warriors, but they needed an increase in population. Remember, there were no Doctors, no hospitals, no medicnes back then. The birth mortality rate was very high. The life expectancy, was very low.. In contraty to the nonsense in the bible of people living hundreds of years.....most didnt make it past 30....even in America, during COLONIAL times, the average age of death in America was 35 years old. The rich Like Ben Franklin, Washington etc, lived longer because they had a less harsh life. In Bibical times, families tried to have one kid a year, as long as mommas vagina would hold up. Large families produced warriors, shepards, and workers in the fields. To insure a growing population, anti same sex relatioship laws were built into the religion...and possibly, one of the missing commandments might have been though shall not be a rump ranger...under the penalty of death. Love a person of the same sex in those days, and getting caught meant you would be stoned. And in those days, they didnt use cannabis, they used real stones. I wonder how many thousands or millions of people have been excuted over the ages for loving one of their own? How big would be the monument commemorating these martyrs whose dust wanders aimlessly in the stomosphere, would be?
Before I get to far into JEWISH History, I wasn to return the day at hand.. Easter. Jesus Christ is said to have been resurrected from the dead ,thousands of years ago today. It was his rebirth. But also in April, the rebirth of the season is at hand. The flowers bloom. The grass returnes to verdant hues. The trees begin to sprout its leaves, and the barren land, reawakens from the cold winter. The earth is ressurected again, year after year. And this started millenea before the birth and death of Jesus. Is this not a story, injected into the political story of Jesus of Nazareth, who tried to make the known world a better place? He tried to make the TEMPLE, not a place of business and corruption, but return it to the purity of the JEWISH religion. But Rome was to Jerusalem, as we are to IRAQ. We are trying to run the show, and if anyone gets in our way, as Jesus got in the way of the ROMANS, we would have to crucify them. ANd what better way to indure the memory of the MAN Jesus, and make him a GOD, but to have him resurrected after he was assasinated as a political enemy. This makes a far better ending to the story,than if he just died on the cross that he helped carry. Now you know, if he really was GOD, and could heal the sick, raise the dead, make the blind see...he cought have escaped the ROmans..and disappeared. But, he was just a man, a GOOD man, who was doing the right thing, and as we say today, no good deed goes unpunished. His followers embellished his create a new religion, which was something Jesus himself was not trying to do. He lived and died a JEW. Only his followers decided to turn him into a GOD, but creating myths about his powers and death. Had he really have had those powers, he wouldnt have had to die.
Resuurection is not a new story, Many religions that preceded Christianity has the story of ressurection, A TRINITY, a VIrgin BIRTH...and even Dec 25 as an important date in their religous History..Nothing of the story of JESUS was original.Only the names and places have been changed. IN the story of the PHOENIX BIRD, it ressurected itself from the flames...and was born anew.
The Easter eggs, a symbol of no coincidence either.The egg precedes for the Easter Bunny, another legend has it that when CHRIST was on the cross, a rabbit was looking up at him and was knwon to have said,"What's Up DOC?"
Yes that was a joke. And some might be horrified or insulted at me joking on such a serious subject. First of all, we really do not know if anything at all that we read in the bible every really happened. Secondaly, using logic, we know most of it even if some of it came to pass, has been dramatically changed, altered to fit the needs of the people who wrote the bible or edited it. And thirdly, I feel, that if there is a GOD, he or she or it...(must be an it...a spirit) wouldnt have a sexuality ascribed to it...if so then there would have to be a MRS GOD....for a man GOD would need a woman GOD to reamin satified...angry gods, there for cause storms, earthquakes, tidal waves, disease, tornados, forest fires.etc)
I think if there is a GOD, and although we wouldnt understand the reason this spirit creates things, the spirit would beable to take humor and sillyness, and what man wouuld consider sacriligiousness...God would laugh at my jokes..because in my heart, what ever the spirit is...and I do not claim to have any idea at all what it is...and the enormity of its power) would laugh with me and not be pissed at all. God would have super humanistic qualities......I think GOd has a sense of humor. Just for example, look at a Giraffe...who ever created it..must have had a sense of humor....

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