Monday, April 20, 2009

Memory loss,Bob is out of ICU, Dismal DAY,Kelbasy SOUP,My sisters Gall Bladder

Lets start with memory loss.... Now we can blame age, Stress and articial sweeteners that is in the coffee,soda, yogurt and other prepared foods....We can blame it on DONALD RUMSFELD, who was president of the company that invented it...THE FDA, said it was dangerous...and didnt want to allow its production, but Rumsfeld position in the government...was able to overide their thumbs down decision...and many people complain about their memory...and researchers think it may cause or at least contgribute to Multiple Sclerosis, and other brain and neurological problems. I really do belive that since I have been drinking diet soda..(which I more or less have stopped) my memory too a great downward path.
Memory...they call it senior moments. How many of you go to the refrigerator, or closet....or anywhere and forget why you went there. Raise your hand. How many people turn on the stove to cook something, and then go to watch TV or type on the computer....and you soon smell something burning...It isnt surprising that we forget to pay bills...but sometimes, I even forge that someone owes me money....or to make a delivery.....
The reason I am bringing up memory loss now, is that I wrote someone a letter...which contained an analysis of why the world is making such a big deal about SUAN BOYLE from ENGLAND HAS TALENT.. I for one, was sent an email with a link to the program. ANd I looked at her and was expecting something silly, funny or just bad. I thought she might have been a truck driver in DRAG. But when she opened her mouth....I, like the audience and most of the world got quite a shock. I was guilty of a erroneous as it was, that because she looked the way she did, there was no talent within.
I immediately turned SISSY...and cried. I had tears running down my cheeks. My chest heaved....and I actually made fun of myself. When I replayed the LINK, I saw the Judge "Pierce" carefully swallow hard, lift his head, put his hands over his head....he was fighting back tears too...As AMANDA.....Then the camera panned the audience and you saw others visually crying.
I had written someone a letter, analyzing why I and other people cried when they heard her singing so beautifully, and the audience clapped and cheered and gave her a standing ovation... I think all of us have certain inferiority complexes...over looks, ability, mentality, talent.... So when this more or less unattractive woman, late in life, gets up before an audience....and then gets such acceptances.....we commiserate with her. We all became SUSAN Boyle for a few minutes... and suddenly, the world really can see what we have inside. They love us. Yes, we felt love...the love they were giving SUSAN BOYLE..we were accepting too. And we cried out of JOY..and in the words of DR ARTHUR JANOV, the founder of the PRimal Scream Therapy....we can trans late those tears of joy to a psychological phenomena called
"Mommy or DADDY (or both) really loves me. We are accept. For those brief moments..we did what SPOCK used to do on Star TREK...we mind melded..with SUSAN BOYLE.. we all became one.... and we all were loved. WOuldnt it be nice if we could figure out how to join the entire world this feeling what others are feeling....and share their joy, or we can make this fucking planet a better place. Please to not be offended by that world just felt so appropriate at that time.
TRUE....or not its funny.... Saw BOB tonight....He was more lucid for part of the visit and complete wacked out. He was telling Juan and me...that yesterday he was held prisioner on a large drug lords and terrorists.....who were carrying a plane load of Steiff stuffed toys. They made him into a slave and had to clean the airplane.... Then he was asking about how Juan and Me and he were in a HOTEL Yesterday....and how his Friends PAt and JIm were there to visit him (in reality they are on vacation this week in CROATIA)
He also said the Black Nurse wanted to know how many millions he had before they got married) Poor Juan, wasn't ready for this..when his questions or stories got really far out....Juan looked up at me in confusion....
I spoke with the Dr...and asked him if he was tested for a stroke....(He was supposed to have been) but when he came back..he read his charts and they never did it... This is why it is good to understand some things about medicine and illness, and be on the hospital and DRS backs....they bury their mistakes.
What was interesting tonight, Bob was more lucid tonight than any othe time since his operation.....yet, his fantasy trips were more vivid. I am hoping it is the morphine causing all of this.....and as days pass, more of the old BOB will return....He wanted me to give him his pants so he could walk out....I tried to expalin that he is all hooked up to all these machines, with fluids going into his body and coming out of his boy with all types and sizes of tubes and wires...and buttons.....He looks like a high school science project..with a kindnapped person caught in the middle of it....Poor BOB...I hope he isnt in pain..
THE WONDER OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE... MY SISTER ARLENE UNDERWENT AN OPERATION TODAY ABOUT 1PM... tHEY REMOVED HER gALL BLADDER...AT ABOUT 3 OR 4 SHE CALLED ME HERSLEF..IT WAS OVER AND SHE WAS UP...AND WOULD BE HOME BY TONIGHT...SHE CALLED FROM HOME AND IT WASNT EVEN 6... tHE NEW LAPROSCOPIC SURGERY IS A MIRACLE.... it to is something from Star Trek or other scinece the stories of peope abducted by Aliens...and they did experiments on them. One couple from the BOSTON area claimed they stuck these little tubes or wires thru their belly bottoms to examine them....people thought that they were crazy......but now that is how they do the operations.....and when these people told there story...THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS LAPROSCOPES.....hEY, THE FLIP PHONE..WAS ON STAR TREK OVER 40 YEARS AGO..BEFORE WE HAD CELL PHONES.......
anD FINALLY, WHILE IN THE HOSPITAL, SOMETHING TRIGGER A SOUP I HAD IN A LITTLE TOWN OF SUBITZA, POLAND... which is right across the Oder river from Frankfort Germany....The soup, whose name I had no idea....(I pointed to another table and motioned to the waitress that I wanted one)....was delicious. WHy I thought of that in the hospital who knows...I an only remmber the flavor.....which was that of Kelbasy.. The soup there had all kinds of veggies, and it was thick. There was chunks of sausage and other meats. I looked what we had in the kitchen...and cme up with this recipe....its finished now, and super. I think you really can adlib this soup becuase the main flavor comes form the kelbasy.
I had the fat and "gel" of a large package of chicken...I hadd two pounds of chuck steak with bones and fat removed... I had two potatoes, two onions, two carrots, one red pepper, a few okra, a piece of califlower, some sauerkrout, some cabbage, a tomatoe, two stalks of celery, celery seeds, black pepper ,three cloves of chopped garllic.... and half a pound of diced kelbasy.....and let it cook for a bit better than two hours....then add flour to thicken. Add salt..and that's it
But you really can add any kinds of veggies and meats...the kelbasy will carry the taste....I like the soup thick. You might add cream or sour cream when finished..
There are always options....I think soe carroway seeds woul dbe an interesting addition...try turnip, spinch, string or any kind of beans, chick peas, fava beans,

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