THE mystery of the week, that was not on the evening news, nor AOL, or any other scandle the NAtional Inquirer or the SUN, is why suddenly....when the carpet installers were using their energy draining nail gun, did the lights blow...the circuit break shit everything on the top floor down....and so far, no one can find out why....the breaker can not go back on.
INSTANT Caesar salad..... Chop up your romaine lettuse.. grate one clove a garlic very fine...add a tablespood or more of egg beaters, a table spoon of gratede parmigian or romano cheese, some Ken's Steak house Caesar salad dressing,m grate frsh black pepper... Total time elapased... 2 min toss and serve. Its ALMOST home made... Its ok to cheat..when the results are just as good. You might spend 6 seconds more and put on some extra virgin olive oil.
Last week I was not happy with the results of the Sweet Potoatoe soup. I really cheated and used can while canned yams are fine for some dishes..where you admarshmellows and other sweets....they are not good enough for the soup..where the sugar added to the can....takes away from the Potaotey taste. BOys and girls, peel real sweet potaotes or yams, steam them (in the microwave in a bag) and the soup will be twice as good.
I am guilty like so many Americans are today, of no longer readying the newspaper, and getting my news from the COMPUter....and although I know that AOL news is kaka doody news, I am too lazy to pursue other venues of finding out what goes on in the world. AOL news... is a cross between FOx NEWS, the National Inquireror, and Ripleys Belive it or not. I admdit some of the crap they put up gets my the man who swallowed scissors...or the frog that is the size of a small coin, or the child thrown out of a window was caught by people below...or MICHELLE OBAMA is not pregnant, or the guy who killed to see what it was life in jail....and the latest in the life of MIKE JACKSON, Britteny SPears, Linsey LOHAN, and all the other people that think they are the shining star i of the universe..who is cheating on who....who really is pregnant, who had a face lift...who is dying.....what the stars look l like without makeup..and all of crap that has no real effect on the a good report on GLOBAL WARMING, or real expose's on how CHENY was really the president ....and BUSH was the Ventriloquists dummy
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